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时间:2022-12-07 22:21来源:毕业论文



An Empirical Study of Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Behavior industrial enterprise engineering and technical staff

Abstract Knowledge sharing and innovation behavior within enterprises can improv-e productivity and reduce waste, to understand how to promote the contribution of knowledge and level of innovation among employees enable industrial enter-prises in the fierce competition among the industry more competitive。 This stu-dy was taken to collect the questionnaire, so that after the collected questionn-aires and screening tools sspc data analysis, specific studies and discusses the role of the relationship between emotion and knowledge sharing work and inno-vative behavior。 The data obtained show that positive emotions on knowledge sharing and promote innovative behavior exists, negative emotions contribute to knowledge and innovative behavior are present negative effects。 This paper als-o puts forward the corresponding improvement measures in their daily busines-s operations in real-time to take into account the emotional state employees an-d reduce their negative emotions produce positive emotions and improve the l-evel of employees。

Keywords:Industrial Enterprises;Engineering and technical staff;Emotion of work;Knowledge Contribution;Knowledge Acquisition;Innovative Behavior。


1引言 1

1。1 研究的背景和意义 1

1。1。1研究的背景 1

1。2 研究的内容与方法 1

1。2。1 研究的内容 1

1。2。2 研究的方法 1

1。3研究的创新点 2

2国内外研究现状与述评 2

2。1知识共享与创新行为的内涵 2

2。2知识共享的基本方式以及创新的类型 3

2。3影响知识共享与创新行为的因素分析 4

2。4企业内部科技创新的阻力与化解 4

2。5知识共享与员工创新行为关系研究 4

2。6国内外研究成果述评 5

2。6。1前人研究可取之处 5

2。6。2前人研究中存在的不足 5

3理论模型与研究假设 6

3。1 基础理论知识与变量选取 6

3。1。1基础理论知识 6

3。1。2变量选取 7

3。1。3量表选取 7

3。2研究假设 工业企业工程技术员工的知识共享与创新行为关系的实证研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_107369.html
