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时间:2022-12-26 22:26来源:毕业论文



Analysis of Jiu Long Steel Logistics Operation Model

ABSTRACT In recent years, faced with problems such as overcapacity, falling demand and so on, the industrial economy relying mainly on steel industry began to transition to    the service economy, the opportunity of steel logistics。 The paper analyzes the current situation of Jiu Long steel logistics park operation mode and  finds out some  problems in many respects, such as profit mode, storage, extended processing and       logistics distribution rule。  Because of these problems, the development of Third Party Logistics in Jiulong is still not mature。 Through consulting related professionals and   consulting a large number of literature, the paper gives some improvements  and       measures for protection of personnel。 It is imperative to solve problems above and      realize mature comprehensive third party logistics operation mode based on steel          industry。 Finally, the paper analyzes the  current situation of domestic iron and steel    logistics and supposes that  Jiu Long future operational mode of the iron and steel       logistics will be developed for the Fourth Part Logistics operation mode of                  collaborative。

Key words:Steel Logistic park; Operation Model; Fourth Party Logistis


摘要 I


0  引言 1

1  钢铁物流的供应链结构及运行模式 4

1。1  钢铁物流的供应链结构 4

1。2   钢铁物流的运行模式 5

1。2。1  自营物流运行模式 5

1。2。2  第三方物流运行模式 5

1。2。3  第四方物流运行模式 6

2  玖隆钢铁物流运行模式现状分析及存在问题 6

2。1  玖隆钢铁物流园区简介 6

2。2  玖隆钢铁物流运行模式现状分析 6

2。3  玖隆钢铁物流存在问题分析 7

2。3。1  企业入驻存在的问题 9

2。3。2  盈利模式存在的问题 9

2。3。3  钢材仓储存在的问题 10

2。3。4  延伸加工存在的问题 玖隆钢铁物流运行模式分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_115216.html
