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时间:2018-05-24 13:08来源:毕业论文

Study on the Compensation Mechanism of the New Rural Cooperative Medical
Abstract:The implementation of the new rural cooperative medical system, effectively easing the rural residents difficult medical treatment, expensive medical problems, improve the health level of the farmers, to speed up the process of building a new socialist countryside. The essence of compensation scheme, is on a budget, to achieve rural participants in the cooperative medical care to provide medical care as much as possible, in order to truly embody the new rural cooperative medical as a function of security system .Compensation mechanism is an important content of the new rural cooperative medical system, related to the vital interests of farmers. In this paper, by referring to other literatures and investigating farmer of An hui province Chuzhou city , analyses the factors influencing farmers' participation rate of the new compensation mechanism, find out problems, and put forward the related proposals.
KeyWords:the new rural cooperative medical care system;The new rural cooperative;compensation mechanism;study
目  录
一、引言    1
(一)背景    1
(二)意义    1
(三)目的    2
二、文献综述    2
三、现状分析    4
(一)历史历程    4
(二)现状    5
(三)发展趋势    6
四、调研报告    6
(一)调研方法    6
(二)调研内容    6
五、讨论    8
(一)新型农村合作医疗费用补偿机制存在歧视    8
(二)扩大覆盖面还是提高补偿标准: 新农合补偿机制效率与公平的两难选择    8
优尔、结论    9
七、建议    10
参考文献    12
致  谢    13
附  录    14
(一) 背景
1、 新型农村合作医疗补偿机制内容
    新型农村合作医疗补偿要遵循三项基本原则,即以收定支,收支平衡, 略有结余;以住院补偿为主兼顾门诊受益面; 相对统一,分类指导,尽力保障,规范运行。新型农村合作医疗补偿范围为住院补偿、门诊补偿、其他补偿。新型农村合作医疗制度的补偿方案主要包括3个基本参数:起付线、封顶线、补偿比例。起付线,又叫免赔额,是指参加新农合的农民在医院就诊后,从费用总额中扣除自付额以后的可补偿费用中,再减去一定额度的不予补偿的金额;封顶线指参合患者当年住院获得补偿的累计最高限额;补偿比例,参合农民的医疗费从新农合基金中获得补偿的部分所占比例,补偿比例的设计不仅可以控制医疗费用,还可通过对各级医疗机构设置不同的补偿比,起到引导病人流向的作用。新型农村合作医疗基金用途分为统筹基金和风险基金两部分统筹基金是用于补偿参合农民住院和门诊医药费用的基金,占基金总额的90%,分为住院统筹基金和门诊统筹基金风险基金是从总基金中提取的专项储备资金,占基金总额的10%。 新农合的医疗补偿机制研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_16256.html