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时间:2023-06-18 14:54来源:毕业论文

摘  要当下越来越多跨国公司来华发展,跨国企业面临文化差异难以实现本土化问题也日趋严重,随着互联网经济社会的发展,微信公众号营销越来越受到企业的重视。本文首先对大多数微信公众号营销的现实背景进行分析提出本文的研究问题与目的。基于此,本文从营销学相关角度出发,系统地讨论分析微信公众号营销在运营过程中应该注意的诸多事项。文章对微信公众号营销及F2F营销模式相关理论进行梳理。发现微信公众号营销与F2F营销模式具有诸多相同的特点与要求,微信公众号营销是较为符合F2F营销的一种方式。微信公众平台的出现,为 F2F 营销提供了绝佳平台。微信用户可以不受时间和空间的限制,根据用户自身的需要主动关注企业微信公众账号,与企业形成一种紧密的联系。企业通过微信公众平台向微信用户提供他们所需要的信息,更加可通过企业公众帐号,对用户数据一目了然,而且手机端的特性决定了企业的信息能随时随地及时性地到达用户手中,使得企业可精准了解用户,也可以直接与用户进行沟通,推广自己的产品,甚至进行交易。从而实现 F2F(点对点、面对面)的营销。这是完全的F2F营销。89164

本文以“星巴克中国”微信公众号营销事件为案例,分析了其中的可取之处与不足之处,为跨国企业的微信公众号营销本土化提供相关的参考意见。再结合F2F营销模式分析了微信公众号营销的本质经济学原理,在文章的第五章给出了相关的结论策略。希望可以给跨国企业的微信公众号营销提供一定的参考价值。源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201-8766


Abstract Nowadays, more and more multinational companies enter into China market。 The problem of acclimatization faced by multinational enterprises is becoming more and more serious。 With the development of Internetin economic society, WeChat Public Platform marketing is becoming more and more significant。 Firstly,This paper analyzes the realistic background of the marketing of most WeChat public Platform, and puts forward the research questions and purpose of this paper。 Based on it, the paper systematicly discuss and analysis the many items in WeChat Public Platform marketing plan process should pay attention from the perspective of marketing-related angle。This paper is to sort out the theory of WeChat public Platform marketing and F2F marketing model。 Found out WeChat public platform marketing and F2F marketing model has many same characteristics and requirements,WeChat public platform marketing is more in line with F2F marketing。The apperance of WeChat public platform provides a great platform to F2F marketing 。WeChat users won’t not be restricted by the time and the space , according to the needs of users ,they can take the initiative to focus on corporate’s WeChat public platform and keep a close contact to the corporate。Corporate through the WeChat public platform to provide the information that they need and the corporate public account can know the user data completely。The characteristics of the mobile phone determines the enterprise information can be send to the user in time which make the corporate can understand the user ,and also communicate with the user to promote their products directly。 In order to achieve F2F (point to point, face to face) marketing。 This is the perfect F2F marketing。

Thr paper takes "Starbucks" event as an example to analyse the goodness and shortage of WeChat public platform marketing。Provide relevant reference of WeChat public platform marketing for multinational companies。 To analyze the nature of economics microblogging marketing events combined with F2F marketing model。The relevant conclusions has given in the fifth chapter of the article。 Hope to provide a reference value of network marketing to the multinational corporations。 F2F营销理论的跨国公司本土化微信公众号营销策略研究星巴克微信公众号营销为:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_178190.html
