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时间:2024-06-15 09:02来源:9558




Suppliers Evaluation Study of Deli Group Company

Abstract:With the continuous development of the market economy and more perfect, supplier management gradually in the enterprise management occupies a very important position, and has become an important aspect of the performance of corporate strategic capacity. And as an important part of supplier management, supplier rating choice is also directly determine the success or failure of enterprise supplier management. So, in today's market environment, companies can grasp the market, occupy the market, depends on whether to grasp and cultivate excellent suppliers.

In this paper, the evaluation of supplier suppliers is taken as an example. This paper analyzes the current situation and existing problems of the purchasing department of the fruit group, analyzes the supplier classification, the supplier evaluation selection method, the supplier evaluation index and so on, and redefines the supplier selection process and the supplier evaluation index Performance equation: supplier performance = supplier capacity × supplier enthusiasm, from both capacity and enthusiasm of the supplier level of evaluation.

Keyword: Deli Group Company;Supplier Evaluation;Supplier Enthusiasm Evaluation

0引言 1

1得力集团供应商评价管理现状 1

1.1公司概况 1

1.2得力集团供应商评价管理现状 2

1.3得力集团供应商评价存在问题 3

2供应商评价管理理论 4

2.1供应定位模型 4

2.2ABC分类管理法 5

2.3.AHP评价方法介绍 6

2.4供应商积极性评价(感知模型) 7

2.4.1业务价值 8

2.4.2吸引力水平 8

3得力集团供应商评价选择 9

3.1供应商评价指标选取准则 9

3.2供应商选择评价步骤 9

4得力集团纸品采购部供应商评价实例分析 11

4.1供应商评价指标的选取 13

4.2基于AHP的评价指标权重确定 13

4.3建立供应商评价选择体系 11

4.4供应商能力综合评价 16

4.5供应商总体积极性评价 得力集团供应商评价研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204156.html
