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时间:2024-09-25 22:58来源:97451



Research on standard operation of production line of D company based on value stream

Abstract:With the continuous development of social economy, the industry increasingly fierce competition, the traditional production technology and management faces great  challenges. In addition, rising labor costs in recent years, had to rely on low labor cost advantage of manufacturing industry has gradually lost, which forced many enterprises to carry out some changes to the original production management technology so, for lower cost, more efficient and more flexible changes in production management. In the D company for a period of two months of practice as the basis, analyzed the problems existed in the production line, found that, long production cycle, WIP, serious information transfer is not timely, operation is not standardized, resulting in the enterprise cost is high. Based on the above situation, during the internship using a variety of industrial engineering and lean tools for the improvement of the production line, such as value stream analysis, line balance, time study and SLP method, this paper mainly uses value stream technology, analysis of the current situation of 4902 products, drawing the current VSM, in a clear that way the information flow, material flow, flow time of waste out, and on the basis of the ideal state draw the future VSM, in order to achieve the ideal value of the corresponding flow has formulated a series of measures to improve the implementation and implementation effect, after inspection standard of good practice, formulate corresponding operation standard, improving effect can be maintained, the end result is the production line to reduce 3 people, per capita rate increased by 38%, saving the cost of more than 290 thousand yuan. And draw on the practice of production line, in another production line also achieved good results. Therefore, the use of value stream for production line improvement has good practice, but also has a strong promotion, and can be extended to similar production lines to improve the work carried out.

Keywords: Lean Production; Value Stream; Improvement; standardization; Standard Operation 基于价值流的D公司生产线标准作业研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204737.html
