摘 要:在各种智能手机品牌充斥着市场并纷纷利用各种营销方式抢占市场份额的过程中,小米手机依靠着惊人的销量名列前茅。小米手机问世于2011年,仅仅用了三年的时间就可以从各种智能手机品牌中突出重围,成为智能手机中的一匹“黑马”并被誉为“China’s apple”,因此小米手机便引起了人们极大的好奇心。为何小米手机有如此强大的竞争力?小米的饥饿式营销模式是否能够长久?小米手机在发展中还存在哪些问题?怎样去解决这些问题?无疑探究用SWOT分析法探究小米手机对其发展有着十分重要的意义!28525
Based on the SWOT Analysis of Xiaomi Mobile Phone Development Countermeasure Analysis
Abstract: In various function of intelligent mobile phone brand with the market and use of various marketing methods in succession to grab market share in the process of millet phone on striking are among the best sales.Millet phone was born in 2011,tightly with 3 years can break from all kinds of intelligent mobile phone brand, become a“dark horse”in their smart phones and is known as “China’s apple,therefore Millet have attracted great attention.Why millet mobile phone have so powerful competitiveness? Why millet phone can hunger marketing mode for a long time? What are the problems in the development of millet mobile phone?How to solve these problems? There is no doubt that explore the millet mobile phone has very important significance to its development.
Key word: Xiaomi Mobile Phone;SWOT Analysis;Countermeasure for Development
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、小米手机介绍 2
(一)小米公司简介 2
(二)小米手机发展现状 3
二、小米手机的SWOT分析 5
(一)优势分析 5
(二)劣势分析 7
(三)机会分析 9
(四)挑战分析 10
三、小米手机的发展建议 11
(一)突出自主创新 11
(二) 注重营销和服务 11
(三) 积极应对品牌危机 12
(四) 强化质量控制 13
参考文献 14
致谢 15
1 2013Q1-Q3中国智能手机市场的销量和占比
小米公司成立于2010年4月,是一家结合高端智能手机、互联网电视和智能家居生态链的高科技创新企业。 SWOT分析法的小米手机发展对策探析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_23402.html