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时间:2017-04-03 14:32来源:毕业论文

关键词: 道路运输;安全评价;危化品运输
The safety analysis and evaluation of dangerous chemical transportation in a chemical enterprise
Abstract:With the development of the society and the progress of mankind, more and more people pay attention to safety, particularly dangerous chemicals transport. In this article, a factory of dangerous chemicals and transportation of harmful factors in the process of identifying, collecting for transport as an example, and carries on the qualitative and quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis is analyzed from all aspects related to safety hazards, quantitative analysis from amount above the objective facts is given.  Two methods from the breadth and depth to the safety of dangerous chemicals in a factory to do the thorough analysis, through the analysis of dangerous people's unsafe behaviors and objects insecurity state, so as to control the risk in a certain range, the danger caused by the loss to a minimum. Dow chemical is one of the evaluation method from the aspects of quantitative comprehensive analyzes the causes of risk, to promptly eliminate risk, ensure the normal operation of equipment. Concluded through analysis and prevention measures, make to minimize the risk of dangerous goods.
Key words:Road transport;Safety evaluation;Dangerous chemicals transport

目 录
1 绪论    1
1.1 危险化学品运输概况及综合分析    1
1.1.1 危化品现状及种类    1
1.1.2我国危化品运输存在的问题及对策    1
1.1.3危化品运输安全管理和评价    3
1.1.4道路运输危险品车辆安全技术要求    4
1.1.5本课题研究的内容以意义    4
2 某化工厂危化品及其运输过程中的有害因素辨识    6
2.1 某化工厂危化品有害因素辨识    6
2.1.1中毒    6
2.1.2爆炸    7
2.1.3泄露    7
2.1.4灼伤    8
2.2 某化工厂危化品运输过程中的有害因素辨识    9
2.2.1 电气危害    9
2.2.2 雷电危害    9
2.2.3 静电危害    9
2.2.4 机械危害    10
2.2.5 腐蚀危害    10
2.2.6 检修    11
2.2.7运输车辆和周边环境相互影响    11
2.2.8 自然灾害因素    12
3 某化工厂危化品运输安全性的分析与评价    13
3.1评价方法的选择    13
3.1.1定性评价法    13
3.1.2定量评价方法    14
3.2定量、定性方法分析与评价    14
3.2.1危化品的定性分析    14
3.2.2危险化学品定量分析    16
3.2.3定量分析法评价结果分析    24
4 对策和措施    26 化工厂危险化学品运输过程中的安全分析与评价:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_4589.html