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时间:2020-05-23 14:44来源:毕业论文



Trajectory Analysis of the Relationship between Government and Universities


In our country, university education has always been one of the focuses of attention and the development and expansion of the university have a close relationship with the management style and attitudes of the government. And the showing relationship between the government and universities determines the direction of development of the University. In the field of educational research, the magazine – <education research>, was the first one of the educational theory publications after the reform and opening up. It had made an important contribution to the prosperity of educational research and promoting the innovation of educational theory and the development of education reform. And the magazine has always been the core status in this field. This paper is trying to statistics all articles about analyzing the relationship between governments and universities in <education research> and making analysis and study about statistical data so that you can get the trajectory of a certain period of time from the government and university relations and make a comprehensive retrospect and prospect from the relationship between them.

Keywords: government;university;relationship

目  录

0 引言 1

1 绪论 1

1.1 政府与大学关系轨迹的研究背景 1

1.2 《教育研究》杂志简介 2

2 对《教育研究》杂志的相关数据统计结果 2

2.1 《教育研究》杂志相关论文发表的年度分布 2

2.2  政府与大学关系论文的学科分布 4

3 政府与大学关系轨迹的演变分析 6

3.1 政府对大学管理权的制度变迁 6

3.2 政府对大学控制权的演变 9

4 研究结论 15

4.1 结果分析 15

4.2 对政府与大学关系的前景展望 16

结论 17

致谢 18

参考文献 19


0 引言

当今世界,大学教育是整个社会关注的焦点之一。大学教育管理体制改革是我国大学教育改革的核心,而政府与大学的关系也是我国大学教育管理体制改革始终关注却又尚未解决的问题。一方面,大学规模在近年来一直处于扩大状态,大学想要生存和发展,就必须以政府的财政支持为重要支柱。另一方面,大学在现代社会中正发挥着越来越重要的作用,大学已经成为国家发展的重要力量之一,其在促进经济社会的发展方面作用尤为突出。因此,大学教育已被政府列为国家的重要组成部分,受到了国家机关各部门的制约,政府政治权利的介入管理也很明显。在这样的社会背景下,政府与大学的关系越发显得重要。一个对政府与大学关系的完整回顾能够帮助我们理清两者关系的发展脉络,更好的帮助我们分析两者关系的现状,展望两者关系的未来。 政府与大学关系的轨迹分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_52437.html
