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时间:2020-06-23 20:09来源:毕业论文




Management Mode of Contemporary Chinese Newspaper of The Southern Newspaper Media Group


In the era of globalization and information technology background, along with the domestic news media industry, increasing competition and the penetration of multinational media group, as well as mobile phones, the Internet and other new media, the rapid rise of China as a traditional media are facing unprecedented newspaper enormous risks and challenges.

In this paper, newspaper group in China with a strong representative of the Southern Newspaper Media Group cut to explore how their social transition through their own unique and effective management model to achieve sustainable development. First, start with the Chinese press to start the development process, a brief description of the beginning of the modern newspaper industry in China and one hundred years of development, and analyzes the reasons for the formation of Chinese newspaper group and the inevitable result; Second, China's current report development of management models have been studied, summed up our newspaper Group principal modes of management; once again, on the Southern Newspaper Media Group's management model to conduct a detailed interpretation, which focuses on the Southern Newspaper Media Group's human resources strategy and multi-brand management mode. Then, the analysis of the Southern Newspaper Media Group management model and one of the reasons for the success of some of the problems that may exist. Concluded Newspaper Group wants in the fierce competition in the market has a place, from the Southern Newspaper management model to fully learn, but the most important thing is to local conditions, select or create their own unique management style.

Keywords: News media industry; management; Southern Newspaper

 目  录

0引言 1

1中国报业的历史演进过程与报团的形成背景和原因 1

1.1中国报业发展的历史沿演进过程 1

1.2中国报业集团形成的背景和原因 2

2当前我国报团管理模式的主要种类 4

2.1我国报业管理模式综述 4

2.2我国报业管理模式主要分类 4

2.2.1集权型 5

2.2.2分权型 5

2.2.3统分结合型 当代中国报业南方报业传媒集团管理模式探究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_55246.html
