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时间:2020-09-29 20:06来源:毕业论文



The reasons and countermeasures for the weakened position of enterprise trade union in the labor dispute

Abstract: Mediation, as the first part of the labor dispute, is an important position of the enterprise trade union to play its role in maintaining the legitimate rights and interests of worker. But in reality, the position of the enterprise trade union in dealing with the labor dispute is gradually weakened, and workers are more willing to choose arbitration and litigation to resolve the labor dispute. This phenomenon is caused by following reasons. Because in our country, workers’ understanding of the enterprise trade union is not comprehensive, the system of the enterprise trade union is not perfect, the person who participating in mediation is lack of professional, the mediation result of the labor dispute in the enterprise is lack of legal effect and other problems. Aimed at these problems, this paper puts forward some corresponding suggestions. Such as strengthening the publicity and education of the enterprise trade union system, improving the system of enterprise trade union, training more professional mediation personnel, improving the legislation of labor dispute in enterprise trade union and so on. It is hoped that these methods will enable to increase the workers’ trust degree in the labor dispute mediation which the enterprise trade union participated, thereby promoting the position of the enterprise trade union in the labor dispute settlement.

Key Words: Enterprise trade union; Labor dispute; Position; Weaken


一、绪论 1

(一) 研究背景和目的 1

(二) 研究意义 1

1、 现实意义 1

2、 理论意义 1

二、文献综述 2

(一) 国外研究现状 2

(二) 国内研究现状 3

(三) 发展趋势 3

三、基础理论 4

(一) 工会理论 4

1、 产业民主的工会理论 4

2、 制度经济学的工会理论 4

(二) 相关法律规定 4

四、企业工会在劳动争议中地位弱化的原因调查 5

(一) 调查方法 5

1、 问卷调查法 5

2、 法律法规梳理 5

(二) 调查对象 5

(三) 存在的问题及政策的不足 企业工会在劳动争议中地位弱化的原因与对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_62114.html
