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时间:2022-05-04 20:24来源:毕业论文

摘要十八大以来,江苏省致力于创新驱动发展的战略实践。创新驱动实质上是人才驱动。 在“大众创业、万众创新”的浪潮下,创业成为社会关注的热点。创业人才研究日益成为 人才研究工作的焦点。海归创业人才拥有国际高新技术、先进管理经验,置身于江苏地区 创新活动的最前沿,成为江苏地区创业创新人才队伍中突出的亮点。江苏出台大量海外引 才政策,迎来“海归潮”。然而各项研究表明海归人才回国创业过程中仍存在诸多问题,江 苏省不同地区海归创业人才效能的发挥存在明显差异。因此,研究区域海归创业人才效能 关键影响因素有重要的意义。

本文通过阅读人才效能、创业生态系统、海归创业相关文献,界定了海归创业人才效 能的相关概念,识别出区域海归创业人才效能的可能影响因素。研究搜集江苏省 13 个市的 相关统计数据,介于样本量偏小的特点,采用偏最小二乘法建立单因变量偏最小二乘线性 回归模型。运用 SPSS、SIMCA-P 软件进行实证数据分析,发现资金、区域人力资本、创 业平台、创新氛围、生活环境等方面的因素对海归创业人才效能有正向影响,以孵化器数 量为代表的创业平台、创新氛围方面的因素在海归创业人才效能发挥过程中起到关键作用。 最后本文在研究结论的基础上,对江苏省提高区域海归创业人才效能工作提出建议对策。80457

毕业论文关键词 海归创业人才 人才效能 偏最小二乘回归

Title Research on the key factors influencing the efficiency of returnees entrepreneurial talents

Abstract Since the 18th CPC National Congress,Jiangsu province has been committed to strategic practice of innovation-driven development。 Innovation drive is essentially talent drive。 Under the wave of Mass entrepreneurship and innovation, entrepreneurship is becoming a hot topic among the general public。 Entrepreneurial talent is increasingly becoming the focus of personnel research work。 Returnees entrepreneurial talent, with international high technology, advanced  management  experience,  exposed  to  the  forefront  of  innovation  activities  in the

Jiangsu area, has become the highlight of the entrepreneurial innovation talent team in Jiangsu province。 Jiangsu introduced a large number of policies to attract talents overseas and ushered in a returnees influx。 However, studies show that there still exist many problems in the process of returnees entrepreneurship。 And returnees entrepreneurial talent performance is not satisfactory in Jiangsu。 Therefore, it is of great significance to study the key factors that influence the efficiency of returnees entrepreneurial talents。

Firstly, by reading related documents on talent efficiency, entrepreneurial ecosystem and returnees entrepreneurship, the relevant concepts of returnees entrepreneurial talent efficiency are clearly defined and factors that may affect the efficiency of regional entrepreneurial returnees talent are identified。 The statistical data of 13 cities in Jiangsu province were collected, and due to the characteristics of the small sample size, partial least squares method is adopted to establish the single dependent variable linear regression model of least squares。 Empirical data analysis use SPSS, SIMCA-P software。 The research confirms the factors of capital, human capital, entrepreneurial platform, the innovation atmosphere and living environment for positive influence on returnees entrepreneurial talent efficiency。 Also, it finds that the construction of innovation atmosphere, entrepreneurial platform, represented by science and technology platform for public service, plays a key role in the process of entrepreneurial talent efficiency。 Finally, on the basis of the research conclusion, this paper puts forward some constructive suggestions on managing and improving the efficiency of returnees entrepreneurs in Jiangsu province。 海归创业人才效能关键影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_93482.html
