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时间:2022-05-10 21:28来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键字: 新媒体;危机公关;公关策略;品牌维护

Internet based new media Research on Enterprise Crisis public relations Strategy in the environment

Abstract:In the past, Enterprises face a variety of crises, they often can be solve by itself , nowadays, he speed of the dissemination will be very rapid, because of the Internet, the new media, a small thing or a negative message may be infinite amplification, in the Internet new media and this eco-environment, enterprises will face a series of complex and cumbersome problems, so enterprises must take appropriate to the crisis of the large era of public relations strategy to cope with the crisis, Reduce the damage caused by the crisis to the public, the customers, and the enterprise itself。 Firstly, we should analyse the causes of the crisis and the PR tactics adopted in the process of the crisis, and how to prevent the recurrence of the crisis, and how to establish a perfect crisis defense mechanism, so that the enterprise out of crisis or the origin of the crisis is suppressed。

Keywords: New media;Crisis PR;PR strategy;Brand maintenance

目 录

引言 1

一、绪论 2

(一) 研究背景 2

(二) 研究的目的与意义 3

(三) 国内外文献综述 4

二、互联网新媒体环境下的企业危机公关新形势 6

(一) 新媒体的特征 6

(二) 危机公关概述 6

(三) 新媒体环境下受众特征 8

三、互联网新媒体环境下企业危机公关运营情况调研 9

(一) 调研方法及过程概述 9

(二) 调研结果 9

四、互联网新媒体环境下企业危机公关策略 19

(一) 应对策略及原则 19

(二) 危机公关总结工作 21

五、互联网新媒体环境下的公关案例研究 25

(一) 个体事件引发的公共危机 25

(二) 危机意识的重要性 25

(三) 危机预警能力的引发的危机 26

(四) 企业态度的重要性案例分析 26

(五) 案例总结 27

六、研究结论与展望 28

(一) 研究结论 29

(二) 研究展望 互联网新媒体环境的企业危机公关策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_93646.html
