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时间:2022-07-21 21:19来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 上海高校;外地学生;留沪工作意愿;影响因素

The Research of Non-Shanghai-Household Students’ Working Will after Graduating from Universities in Shanghai and Its Influential Factors

Abstract: Be different from the other researches which focus on the settlement intention of Chinese floating population in the cities。 This paper stands on the intention of nonlocal students who will graduate from colleges in Shanghai, and the city where they will dwell in or not, is also limited to Shanghai。 By the way of questionnaire survey, this paper discovered that the critical factors of affecting the intention are the anticipated revenue after five years’ work and the settlement intention of their couples。 Within a certain income range, the higher the income, the stronger the intention of settle themselves in Shanghai。 If their couples want to live in Shanghai, they will also do the same choice。 This paper speculated about the formation of this phenomenon for some guesswork, and proposed the suggestions of promoting the effect of Shanghai household registration policy, on the present situation that the policy doesn’t come into effect for nonlocal students。 

Keywords: Universities in Shanghai; Nonlocal Students; Working Will in Shanghai; Influential Factors

目   录

引  言 1

一、相关研究回顾以及评述 2

(一)我国流动人口群体的研究 2

(二)大学生就业情况研究 3

(三)国外流动人口相关理论 4

(四)贡献与局限 5

二、研究设计 6

(一)抽样与抽样方法 6

(二)因变量设置与概念限定 6

(三)自变量设置 7

(四)研究假设 8

三、调查数据和分析 9

(一)描述性分析 9

(二)回归分析和总体性解释 10

四、结论与展望及其政策意涵 18

致  谢 20

参考文献 21

附  录 23

引  言


事实上,“流动人口”的概念在国内外,本就存在着显著差异。国际上将“流动”与“迁移”等同,是指人员永久性地变更其居住地;而国内的“人口流动”这一概念,本质是从1958年户口登记条例实施开始正式提出的,是指“人员离开户籍所在地”的一种行为和状态。 上海高校外地学生留沪工作意愿及其影响因素研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_96772.html
