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时间:2023-03-26 20:22来源:毕业论文
假想伙伴对5-6岁儿童分享行为的影响。采用M Taylor在1999年提出的“双向访谈法”对儿童的假想伙伴进行判定,随后对所有被试进行“偶得物品”和“拥有物品”分享情景任务的施测

摘要本次研究目的是比较5~6岁有假想伙伴的儿童与没有假想伙伴的儿童在分享行为上的区别,探究假想伙伴对其社会交往能力发展的影响。本次研究样本是在两所幼儿园随机选取的60名5~6岁被试儿童。研究方法首先采用M Taylor在1999年提出的“双向访谈法”对儿童的假想伙伴进行判定,随后对所有被试进行“偶得物品”和“拥有物品”分享情景任务的施测。本次研究结果显示在60名被试儿童中,有27名儿童存在假想伙伴。6岁组儿童在“偶得物品”分享情景任务中表现要显著好于5岁组儿童,而在“拥有物品”分享情景任务中表现无显著差异;拥有假想伙伴的儿童在“偶得物品”分享情景任务中的表现与没有假想伙伴的儿童无显著差异,而在“拥有物品”分享情景任务中的表现要显著好于没有假想伙伴的儿童。故得出结论:假想伙伴有可能是促进儿童社会交往能力发展的重要因素。88061

Abstract:The purpose of this study is to explore the influences of imaginary companions on the 5~6 years old children’s sharing behavior。 The study was conducted in two kindergartens randomly selected 60 children aged 5 to 6 years of age。 The “double-interview process” method which was put forward by Taylor M in 1999 was used to determine the children who had the psychological phenomenon called imaginary companions。 Then all the children were given two tasks, to test their developing level of sharing behavior。 The results of this study show that there were 27 of the total with imaginary companions。 The children of 6 years old performed much better in the task of “occasionally gained things” sharing than 5 years old children, no obvious difference was found in the task of “own possessive thing”。 The children who had imaginary companions performed much better in the task of “own possessive thing”, no obvious difference was found in the task of “occasionally gained things”。 So come to a conclusion Imaginary companions may be one of the important factors which can improve the children’s sharing behavior。 

毕业论文关键词:假想伙伴; 分享行为; 学前儿童

Keyword: imaginary companions; sharing behavior; preschool children

目    录

一、问题的提出 5

二、研究设计 6

(一)研究对象与样本选择 6

(二)调查工具与内容 6

三、研究结果和分析 7

(一)被试儿童家长的基本情况 7

(二)关于假想伙伴的判定结果以及分析 8

(三)5~6岁儿童分享行为基本情况的分析 9

(四)假想伙伴对于5~6岁儿童分享行为的影响 10

四、对于假想伙伴现象的教育建议 11

(一) 改变对儿童“假想伙伴”的错误认识 11

(二)在正常儿童中,利用假想伙伴促进儿童的认知交往能力发展 12

(三) 有效利用假想伙伴现象进行心理训练和行为矫正 12

(四)在假想伙伴与现实同伴交往中找到平衡 12

(五)对研究方法及角度的改善建议 12

附访谈问卷: 16 假想伙伴对5-6岁儿童分享行为的影响:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_153246.html
