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时间:2023-04-15 15:32来源:毕业论文
(3) preschool students occupational expectation in single, political affiliation, and do you have any part-time relationship is not big, differences in gender and grade level。 The hygiene factors in

(3) preschool students occupational expectation in single, political affiliation, and do you have any part-time relationship is not big, differences in gender and grade level。 The hygiene factors influence on female career expectations than boys, the best students occupational expectation and grades have significant differences in the medium and above medium。

(4) preschool students initiative in learning level is, on the whole have medium level of active learning ability。源Y于Y优E尔Y论L文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018.766

(5) in preschool students' initiative in learning, learning significance, learning attribution share is bigger, the majority of students in learning to maintain, less attention。

(6) career aspirations and initiative learning five correlation factor, including hygiene factors and learning attribution and learning adjustment and efficiency has a significant correlation。 Self development factor and the meaning of maintenance, learning, learning to maintain, adjust and the learning efficiency has a significant correlation。 That self development factor played a key role in learning initiative。 Prestige status and maintain, learning adjustment exist significant correlation, but compared with other two factors, the impact on the learning initiative。

Keyword: Pre-school professional students;career aspirations; initiative learning


摘     要 3

1、绪论 5

1。1学前发展形势 5

1。2社会的需求 5

1。3目前存在问题 5

2、文献综述 5

2。1学前教育的发展形势综述 5

2。2大学生职业期望综述 6

2。3大学生主动性学习研究综述 7

3、相关概念界定 7

3。1学前大学生 7

3。2职业期望 8

3。3主动性学习 8

4、研究设计 8

4。1研究目的 8

4。2研究内容 8

4。3研究对象 8

4。4研究方法 8

4。5数据统计 9

5、研究结果分析 9

5。1学前大学生职业期望的测量结果分析 9

5。1。1不同性别学前大学生职业期望各因子差异比较 9

5。1。2不同成绩水平学前大学生职业期望各维度因子比较 10

5。2学前大学生主动性学习的测量结果分析 11

5。3职业期望与主动性学习之间的相关 12

6、讨论与结论 13

6。1学前大学生职业期望的特点 13

6。2学前大学生主动性学习的特点 13

6。3学前大学生职业期望与主动性学习的相关 14

6。4总的结论 14

6。5研究的局限与今后研究方向 15

6。5。1研究的局限 15

6。5。2进一步From优Y尔E论W文W网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201,8766 研究建议 学前大学生职业期望与主动性学习的关系研究(2):http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_159969.html
