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时间:2023-04-19 23:19来源:毕业论文
幼儿园教师教育素养的研究。近年来幼儿园教育越来越受国家和社会的重视,因此就想来研究一下幼儿园教师教育素养,希望能 从根本上推动我国幼儿园事业的发展

摘要近年来幼儿园教育越来越受国家和社会的重视,因此就想来研究一下幼儿园教师教育素养,希望能 从根本上推动我国幼儿园事业的发展。本研究采用的是半结构式访谈,从杭州几所幼儿园中抽取 20 名教龄在 5 年以上的幼儿园教师进行访谈,了解当今幼儿园教师教育素养的现状。通过对访谈内容中关键 字的提取,最终得到素养要求:专业师德与理念(遵纪守法、热爱学前教育、关爱和尊重幼儿、根据幼 儿身心发展特点进行教育、保教结合、家园合作、富有爱心和亲和力)、专业知识(有自己的教育策略 和方法、掌握幼儿园的教育保育知识、与时俱进)、专业能力(对幼儿的游戏活动支持与引导、事先计 划实施教育、懂得激励和客观评价幼儿、良好的师生关系、善于与幼儿沟通和交流、一日生活的组织与 安排)。88450

In recent years, the kindergarten education is getting more and more importance to the state and society, so to study the kindergarten teachers' educational attainment, hoping to promote the development of China's public kindergarten fundamentally。 This study is based on semi-structured interviews, collected from Hangzhou several kindergartens in 20 years in more than 5 years of kindergarten teachers interviews, understand the status quo of the kindergarten teacher education literacy。 Through the extraction of keywords in the content of the interview, finally get the Literacy Requirements: professional ethics and Philosophy (law-abiding, love preschool education, love and respect for children, education, according to the characteristics of children's physical and  mental  development of Education combined, their cooperation,Full of love and affinity), professional knowledge (educational strategies and methods, their mastery of kindergarten education conservation knowledge, professional ability, keeping pace with the times) (on the children's game activities support and guidance, plan the implementation of education, understand the motivation and objective evaluation of children, a good teacher-student relationship, good communication and exchange with the children, a the daily life of the organization and arrangement)。

毕业论文关键词:幼儿园教师; 教育素养;教师;

Keyword: Kindergarten Teachers; Educational attainment;Teacher;

一、引言及问题的提出 5

(一)国内的教师教育素养 5

(二)现有研究中存在的问题 6

(三)问题的提出 6

二、研究方法 7

(一)访谈对象 7

(二)访谈工具 8

(三)研究过程 8

三、研究结果及源Y于Y优E尔Y论L文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018.766 讨论 8

(一)幼儿园教师教育素养 8

(二)幼儿园教师教育素养现状 10

(三)幼儿园教师教育的核心素养 11

(四)幼儿园教师未来的发展需求 11

(五)建议 11

致谢 12

参考文献 12

附录: 13


(一)国内的教师教育素养 教师教育素养是教师按教育规律从事教育工作的知识、技能、观念和情感的总和。提出教师要具有 幼儿园教师教育素养的研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_161069.html
