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时间:2023-06-23 15:12来源:毕业论文

摘    要情绪可以帮助儿童建立与外界环境的某种关系,同时也可以帮助他们维持和改变这种关系。要做到这一点,除了依赖于儿童情绪的表达之外,还依赖于儿童对自身和他人情绪的理解。近年来,对学前儿童情绪理解的研究也越来越深入。本研究在前人研究的基础上,探讨了学前儿童的情绪理解能力及其相关因素。89224


Emotions can help children build relationships with the outside world,and also to help them maintain and change this relationship。It’s in addition to relying on the expression of children's emotions, but also dependent on children's understanding of their own and others to do this。In recent years, the study of preschool children's emotional understanding is also more and more in-depth。On the basis of predecessors' research, this study discusses the ability of preschool children's emotional comprehension and its related factors。

In this study, we randomly selected 20 3-6 year-old children,including 30 mixed age class children and 30 ordinary class children。The study found that preschool children's emotional understanding with the growth of age。The development of preschool children 's emotional comprehension is affected by the class approach but not significant。This is also affected by the parental rearing style。It is significantly related to the companion association of young children。

毕业论文关键词:学前儿童; 情绪理解; 编班方式; 父母教养; 同伴关系

Keyword: preschool children; emotion understanding; development characteristics

目    录

一、引言 1

二、研究的问题源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201-8766 及假设 1

(一)问题提出 1

(二) 研究假设 2

三、研究方法 2

(一)被试 2

(二)实验材料 2

1。面部表情识别任务 2

2。 情绪情境理解任务 2

3。 家庭教养方式的调查问卷 3

4。 同伴关系评估 3

(三) 实验程序 3

1。面部表情识别任务 3

2。 情绪情境理解任务 3

(四) 数据处理 4

四、 结果与分析 4

(一)学前儿童情绪理解的发展特点 4

1。 幼儿面部表情识别任务得分概况 4

2。幼儿情境情绪理解任务得分概况 5

(二) 学前儿童情绪理解的相关因素 7

1。 编班方式对学前儿童情绪理解的影响 7

2。 父母教养方式对学前儿童情绪理解的影响 8

3。 同伴关系对学前儿童情绪理解的影响 学前儿童情绪理解的发展及其相关因素:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_179502.html
