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时间:2023-06-23 15:27来源:毕业论文


Abstract This research, the interview method, Random extraction large middle shift and small classes of children each 30, a total of 90 children, common five accidents of investigation and research。 The results showed that: 1。 The vast majority of children can have the correct understanding of the five common accidents; 2。 The common five cognitive accidents exist gender differences; 3。 The common five safety accidents of cognition has significant age differences, the class has been able to fully correct cognition, shift has a very small number of children can not be properly recognized, small class have more children can not be properly recognized。 According to the findings of the research to more effectively carry out child safety education to put forward the following suggestions: 1。 Education Safety education for young children, to pay attention to children's inpidual differences; 2。 Education of children's safety education, to pay attention to children's gender difference; 3。 Education for young children to safety education is to pay attention to children's age difference。

毕业论文关键词:幼儿 ;安全事故;认知;安全教育

Keyword: Children; safety accident; cognition; safety education


一、研究源起 5

二、研究对象和方法 5

(一)研究对象 5

(二)研究方法 5

1。相关意外伤害事故的确定 5

2。访谈提纲的设计 6

(三)访谈结果整理 6

三、研究结果与分析 6

(一)幼儿对所述五种意外伤害事故认知的基本情况 6

1。幼儿对“独自离开家长或老师,到其它地方玩耍”的认知 6

2。幼儿对“药品安全”的认知 6

3。幼儿对“电、烫伤类安全事故”的认知 7

4。幼儿对“摔伤、跌伤类安全事故”的认知 7

5。幼儿对“与家长走失,被拐骗”的认知 7

6。幼儿对所述五种意外伤害事故认知的整体水平分析 8

(二)幼儿对所述五种意外事故认知性别差异分析 8

1。不同性别幼儿对“独自离开家长或老师,到其它地方玩耍”的认知情况 8

2。不同性别幼儿对“药品安全”的认知情况 9

3。不同性别幼儿对“电,源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201-8766 烫伤类安全事故”的认知情况 幼儿对常见意外安全事故认知的研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_179507.html
