摘 要:21世纪以来,会展业在国民经济中所占比重越来越大,与此同时,以互联网为支撑的电子商务行业的发展势头也越来越猛,并给会展业来带了不小的冲击。本论文在对会展业与电子商务行业进行扼要阐述后,认真分析了两个行业合作的重要性与必要性。在这一基础上,分析了会展业与电子商务行业互相合作的发展现状,比对了其中的机遇与挑战,并对网络会展这一新型会展模式进行探究。最后,本论文对会展业的未来进行了客观的思考,并对提出了一系列具体可行的措施,以期能对会展业的发展提供一定的帮助。90226
The development situation and future trend of the combination of MICE industry and electricity
Abstract: Since twenty-first Century, the percentage of exhibition industry is growing in the national economy, at the same time,the momentum of development of e-commerce industry which is with the Internet as support is more and more fierce, and to the exhibition industry to bring no small impact。Firstly, this paper briefly describes the exhibition industry and e-commerce industry , then it analyzes the necessity and importance of the two industry cooperation。 On this basis,it analyzes the current development of the exhibition industry and e-commerce industry cooperation and compares the opportunities and challenges of them, in addition,it explores the Internet Exhibition which is a new exhibition mode。 Finally,this dissertation has a objective thinking to the future of the Convention and exhibition industry,in order to provide some help to the development of exhibition industry,this paper puts forward a series of specific and feasible measures。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766
Key words: conference and exhibition industry; Electricity business; Network convention;Traditional exhibition
目 录
1 绪论 4
1。1 选题背景 4
1。2研究的目的 4
1。3相关研究综述 4
1。4研究的思路 6
1。5 研究的方法 7
2 会展业与电商界的结合 8
2。1 会展业的概述 8
2。2 电商界的概述 10
2。3 会展业与电商界的有效结合 10
3 会展业与电商界发展现状分析 11
3。1 电商界对会展业带来的机遇 11
3。2 会展业发展新模式 12
3。3 电商界对会展业带来的冲击 15
4 会展业与电商界的未来展望 16
4。1 迎难而上:会展业所具备的优势 16
4。2 加快发展:会展业如何实现创新发展 17
4。3 展望未来:会展业的未来发展态势良好 19
5 小结 20
5。1论文研究结论 20
5。2论文创新之处 20
参考文献 22
致谢 24
1 绪论 研究会展业与电商界结合后的发展状况及今后态势:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_196064.html