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时间:2024-10-13 21:47来源:97944



abstract:Since the emergence of bulk carriers in the mid-1950s, the shipbuilding industry has maintained a high growth trend due to its wide variety of transportation, large load capacity and high loading and unloading efficiency. However, there are still many shortcomings in the construction process of domestic bulk carriers. In order to adapt to the ship transportation market, it is necessary to optimize the shipbuilding process as soon as possible, speed up the structural adjustment and transformation and upgrade to make it more healthy and rapid. In this paper, we mainly study the subgrade construction scheme of the bulk cargo ship, mainly discuss the construction process of the bottom tank and the characteristics of the bottom tank. The comparison of the construction technology and the welding process is carried out. Size, size, etc. to achieve precision control, making the deformation shrinkage to a minimum, the accuracy becomes higher. Reasonable construction program can shorten the construction time, save construction costs, sub-manufacturing quality has also been improved. At the same time also discussed the sub-coating, including the selection of new coatings, painting process, painting inspection, optimize the coating process, improve the quality of painting.

Key words: bulk carrier; sub - construction; precision management; sub - coating

目  录

第一章 绪论1

1.1 课题研究背景1

1.2 国内外研究现状1

1.3 研究目的及意义2

1.3.1 论文研究目的2

1.3.2 论文研究意义3

1.4 论文总体思路和主要内容3

  1.4.1 论文总体思路3

    1.4.2 论文主要内容3

第二章 底边舱建造方案及论证4

2.1 工艺过程及注意事项4   

  2.1.1 工艺过程4 胎架的选择及注意事项 -4  底边舱的制作及注意事项 -6

2.2 吊装顺序及注意事项8   

  2.2.1 吊环的布置原则8 

  2.2.2 分段吊环的强度检9 

  2.2.3 吊装顺序-10

  2.2.4 吊装注意事项-11

2.3 焊接工艺及注意事项-12

  2.3.1 拼板焊接施工要领-12

  2.3.2 部件焊接施工要领-13

第三章  精度管理方案14

3.1 船体结构变形与误差-14

3.2 精度计划-14 

3.3 补偿量与精度控制(工艺技术方面)-15 

3.3.1 系统补偿量-15

  3.3.2 补偿量的确定-15 尺寸精度补偿的原则 15 补偿量的确定 16

  3.3.3 尺寸精度控制-18 放样、号料和加工的尺寸精度控制 18 部件装配的尺寸精度控制 21 散货船底边舱HW04P/S分段建造+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204831.html
