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时间:2023-02-05 10:15来源:毕业论文


Research on the influence of VAT changed to business tax to  service industry
Abstract As the structural tax cuts "grand opera", since January 1, 2012,VAT changed to business tax in Shanghai  has experienced four years, and the tension is gradually known to the public。 VAT changed to business tax is not only an important part of structural tax cuts, but also the key layout of the national industrial structure strategic adjustment。 This paper analyzes the influence of the " VAT changed to business tax " on the service industry, the most significant impact is reducing the tax burden on the service industry。 After“VAT changed to business tax”,service enterprises net profit of service enterprises increases and the financial data caused the optimization of enterprise financial to promote。 After the policy, the service enterprise accounting and financial management has a great change, but also exposes the problem。 Facing the opportunities and challenges brought by the business tax on the service industry, we put forward suggestions of enhancing ability of business accounting in this paper。

Keywords: VAT changed to business tax;service industry; influence


0 引言   1
1 营改增概述   1
1。1 营改增的必要性   1
1。2 服务业概述   2
1。3 服务业营改增基本政策   2
2 营改增对服务业的影响   4
2。1 营改增对服务业税负的影响   4
2。2 营改增对服务业企业净利润的影响   6
2。3 营改增对服务业会计核算的影响   7
2。4 营改增对服务业企业财务指标的影响   8
2。5 营改增对服务业发展的影响   9
3 “营改增”对中国信息技术有限公司影响分析   10
3。1 中国信息技术有限公司简介   10
3。2 中国信息技术有限公司财务数据   10
3。3 “营改增”对公司影响的具体分析   12
3。4 基于中国信息技术有限公司“营改增”的研究结论   15
4 服务业营改增存在的问题与建议   15
4。1 服务业营改增存在的问题   16
4。2 服务业企业应采取的措施   16
结论   18
致谢   19
参考文献   20

0 引言
2012年之前,我国服务业征收营业税,影响了增值税的抵扣链条,也使服务业的专业化分工遭到了一定的影响。2012年1月1日起我国开始了对服务业的“营改增”试点工作。营改增即营业税改征增值税,作为一项结构性减税措施,该政策是税制的完善措施,是我国税制与国际接轨的举措。本文从服务业“营改增”基本政策、“营改增”给服务业带来的影响、“营改增”过程中存在的问题以及服务企业的改进措施等方面进行了探讨。 营改增对服务业的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_133866.html