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时间:2024-03-02 21:34来源:毕业论文



Abstract:With China's sustainable economic development, in order to further improve the degree of urbanization, commercial housing population continues to grow, the rapid development of the real estate industry has become one of the pillar industries of the national economy。 Real estate as a capital - intensive industries, with investment, high risk, long cycle and other advantages。 With the national policy orientation, the international economic situation, financial market volatility and other macroeconomic environment of the limited development, making financial risks become a reality, real estate development business needs to attach great importance。There are many reasons for the financial risk of real estate development enterprises, among which the financing risk is the focus of this paper。This paper takes Wuxi Hongyi Real Estate Company as an example to analyze the financing channels, financing structure and financing decision。 Understand the current situation of financing risk of real estate development enterprises, analyze the causes of risk, and thus play a preventive and reduce the risk of financing purposes。

Key word:real estate development enterprises,financing risk, control 

目  录

1。 引言 3

2。 房地产开发企业筹资风险相关理论 3

2。1房地产开发企业筹资的含义 3

2。2房地产开发企业筹资的种类 3

2。2。1长、短期筹资 3

2。2。2直接筹集资金与间接筹集资金 4

2。3房地产开发企业筹资的渠道 4

3。 鸿意房产筹资风险现状 5

3。1鸿意房产概况 5

3。2鸿意筹资结构不合理 6

3。3鸿意筹资方式不合理 6

3。4鸿意内部资金调剂不合理 7

3。5鸿意经营过程中存在风险 7

4。 鸿意房产筹资风险原因 7

4。1鸿意筹资方式风险分析 7

4。2鸿意资金结构不合理筹资风险分析 8

4。3鸿意资金流动性筹资风险分析 8

4。4鸿意流动负债筹资风险分析 8

4。5鸿意筹资宏观政策风险分析 8

5。 鸿意房产防范和降低筹资风险的建议 9

5。1增加筹资渠道,降低筹资成本 9 房地产开发企业筹资风险控制研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_202473.html
