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时间:2024-05-18 10:54来源:95414



The Successful Reasons and Inspiration of HUAWEI's Equity Incentive

Abstract:With the reform of relevant systems and rapid development of market  economy in China, more and more domestic enterprises begin to adopt equity incentive to achieve the incentive to staff, thus strengthening the management of enterprises, in order to let enterprises get better development. This paper starts from the basic concept of equity incentive, takes the equity incentive of HUAWEI as an example, and through in-depth research on HUAWEI incentive model, to analyze the reasons of its success, and summarizes the successful experience of HUAWEI in the implementation of equity incentive. And through analyzing the universal problems that exist in the equity incentive of domestic enterprises, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.

Keywords: Equity Incentive; Employee Incentive; Enterprise Management; HUAWEI Company

0引言 1

1股权激励的国内外研究状况 1

1.1国内研究现状 1

1.2国外研究现状 2

2股权激励相关概念 2

2.1股权激励的概念 2

2.2股权激励的相关理论 2

2.2.1委托代理理论 2

2.2.2利益相关者理论 3

2.2.3人力资本理论 3

2.3股权激励的主要模式 3

2.4股权激励的作用及意义 5

2.5我国企业股权激励机制实施中存在的问题 6

3华为股权激励的发展历程 8

3.1初期向员工融资缓解现金流 9

3.2员工虚拟股初现 9

3.3确立任正非的独立股东地位 9

3.4实体股明确转为虚拟股 10

3.5华为股权结构再优化 10

3.6实行饱和配股制 10

3.7TUP与虚拟股并行 11

4华为公司股权激励制度研究 12

4.1华为股权激励的特点 12

4.2华为股权激励取得成功的原因 13

5华为股权激励对国内企业的启示 14


