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时间:2024-08-26 21:42来源:96773
企业绩效评价指标研究。企业绩效评价在我国起步较晚,开展企业绩效评价工作也是一项新的实践, 然而随着信息时代的日新月异与如今管理理论的发展创新,事实上企业营业绩效 评价



Research on Enterprise Performance Evaluation   Index

Abstract:The performance evaluation of the enterprise is based on the principle of statistics and operational research, the use of specific index system, according to the unified standards and certain procedures, the enterprise in a certain period of operation of the assets, finance, profitability and development potential To compare and analyze, so as to the business results and business risks to make an objective and impartial comprehensive evaluation. China's rapid economic development has also accelerated the pace of China's economic integration into the pattern of the world economy, international multinational companies have entered the Chinese market, at the same time, a variety of different nature of the enterprise because of the further opening up the domestic market and developed. Multinational companies because of  its own brand, technical advantages, financial advantages and cost advantages, the possession of the Chinese economy led the various enterprises to bring a threat, and  in  fact occupy the domestic enterprises market share. In this case, how to evaluate, enhance the performance of enterprises, it is very important.

Keywords: enterprise; performance evaluation; index


0.引言 1

1.企业绩效评价指标的发展 1

2.企业绩效评价指标的构建 2

2.1企业绩效评价指标体系构建原则 2

2.2企业绩效评价指标体系设置 4

3.企业绩效评价指标体系的应用 6

3.1康师傅控股有限公司 6

3.2康师傅控股有限公司的财务绩效评价 6

3.2.1盈利指标 6

3.2.2资产营运指标 8

3.2.3偿债指标 9

3.2.4发展能力指标 11

4.完善企业绩效评价指标体系的对策 12

4.1传统绩效评价指标的缺陷 12

4.2传统绩效评价指标的改进 13

结论 15

致谢 16

参考文献 17



由于我国经济体制的不断改革完善,市场经济逐步发展繁荣,企业面临的竞争也越来越激烈。而面对这样的大环境,企业只能提升绩效评价在企业自身经营管理过程中发挥的作用,因为只有这样企业的盈利目标才能够更加高效地实现。在这种环境下,采取方法提升企业的绩效,就变得十分重要。企业绩效评价包含方方面面,而绩效评价指标是其中的一部分,绩效评价指标的作用有二,一是在调动员工积极性方面它有着激励作用,二是它对于提升企业的经营绩效有促进作用。一套科学适合企业的绩效评价指标体系在企业的很多方面如制定企业经营战略、评估企业经营目标是否实现方面都有着无可比拟的作用。但是,由于我国的社会主义市场经济起步较晚,因此在企业绩效评价的实际实施过程中,我们会遇到一些困难。因此,企业进行管理的重要内容之一就是正确的解决企业绩效评价指标这一问题。 企业绩效评价指标研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_204591.html
