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时间:2024-10-15 22:26来源:97983




China Enterprises Co., Ltd. Cost Control Analysis

Abstract: As a highly-funded industry, China's real estate companies  have  a close relationship with other industries, have a significant position in the entire national economy, and have a major impact on people's lives. In recent years, a good market mechanism has promoted the rapid development of real estate. However, due to the government's macro-control of real estate and the financial environment, the competition in the real estate industry in China is fierce.

Faced with the challenge brought by the macro environment and the pressure brought by industry competition, strengthening enterprises' control over cost and management has become the top priority for real estate companies. Real estate companies must reduce cost and improve their market competitiveness through cost control to maximize the  economic benefits of the company.

This article starts with the status quo of the cost management of real estate companies in China, and takes the example of the analysis and study of cost control in the case of China Enterprises Co., Ltd., analyzes the problems in the cost control of the real estate companies and proposes corresponding solutions to the current situation in China. The development of

real estate companies provides some references.Keywords: real estate; cost control ; cost profitability ; China Enterprises Co., Ltd


一、 绪论 1

(一)研究背景 1

(二)国内外目前研究的基本情况 1

1.国外目前研究的基本情况 1

2.国内目前研究的基本情况 2

(三)研究的目的和意义 2

1.研究目的 2

2.研究意义 3

二、相关理论与方法综述 4

(一)成本管理理论 4

1.成本 4

2.成本控制 4

(二)房地产企业现状及成本构成 5

1.房地产企业现状 5

2.房地产企业成本构成 5

3.房地产企业开发阶段 5

(三)房地产企业成本影响因素及控制原则 6

1.影响房地产成本的相关因素 6

2.控制原则 中华企业股份有限公司成本控制分析:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_204842.html
