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时间:2024-10-10 23:02来源:97844



China CSSC Holdings Limited(600150)2016 Financial Report Analysis.

Abstract:To understand a company's future development trend, and forecast its developing power in future life, it is significant to analysis and to keep learn from the financial report and related financial statements of this company, and then find out problems from them. These kinds of activities above not only can help managers to improve operation circumstance, but also can help investors receive much finance-related information and have a better understanding of company's financial situation for reasonable decision making of investment.  This paper analyses the solvency, operating ability, profitability, and development ability of China CSSC Holdings Limited from 2012 to 2016. On this basis, this paper combines the data of the first three quarters of 2017 to observe whether the company's problems have been improved. In addition, DuPont analysis was used to compare the company's vertical and horizontal industry comparisons between 2012 and 2016, and found the problems in the financial report of the company. At the same time, SWOT analysis is used to point out the advantages and disadvantages of the company's development in the market competition, and to discover the financial problems remained in this company, and give relevant suggestions for 


Key Words:China CSSC Holdings Limited;Financial analysis;SWOT analysis


一、绪论 1

(一)中国船舶工业股份有限公司介绍 1

(二)行业情况分析 1

二、公司财务分析 2

(一)偿债能力分析 2

1. 短期偿债能力 2

2. 长期偿债能力 3

(二)营运能力分析 4

(三)盈利能力分析 6

(四)发展能力分析 7

(五)杜邦分析 8

1. 营业净利率分析 9

2. 总资产周转率分析 9

3. 权益乘数分析 9

(六) 行业平均比对 10

三、SWOT分析 12

(一)优势 12

(二)劣势 12

(三)机遇 中国船舶公司年度财务报告SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_204817.html
