---in the Bible。 The beast in the mouth of the boys is the source of evil which devastates their hope step by step, and this time the creation of Hobbes’ Leviathan became maintenance of their survival。 Separated on the island, children are not like Robinson。 When they hear the sound of Ralph's conch shells, they slowly gather together and decide to construct a unit。 People in this society must establish a relationship with others。 German philosopher Martin Buber considered that: "The essence of human existence is that they must be related to each other。 People cannot escape the relationship with others if they want to survive。。。 I meet with you, and then we are associated with each other, even if we don’t like each other。 Only the lively relationship can tell us that the special nature of human possession。”(Chen 75)。 Because his novel has a clear realism narrative skills and the persity of the fictional story that elaborates human condition in the world today, in 1983, he won the Nobel Prize of literature。 His novels are rich in meanings and integrated with Christianity, mythology, classical literature and symbolism。 Golding’ s description of human nature is not just the imagination, he insists that humanity should be like this, so the children, without complete  social education, are the best example。

2。 Literature Review

Golding' s work is called mythology or allegory by Western critics, and the British literary critic I。 Evans says Lord of the Flies is a philosophical allegory about the nature of evil and the fragility of civilization。

The novel has grabbed the attention of the literary critics for decades since its published。 Carl Niemeyer studied comparatively Lord of the Flies and its antipathetic predecessor The Coral Island and analyzed the characters from the perspective of intertextuality in his book The Coral Island Revisited。 In the book The Fables of William Golding, John Peter considered this novel exposed the evil of human nature。 Golding uses ironic contrast between the appearance and reality to reveal the murderous and cruel nature of children who are traditionally regarded as pure, innocent and lovely。 We find in Lord of the Flies the childish innocence lost in their ghastly and ferocious play (Peter 13)。

In 1983, William Golding Won the Nobel Prize in Literature。 From then on Chinese scholars started to study on this novel。 Most of them focus on the theme, the characters in the novel, the plot and the various meanings of the environmental description。 In Lord of the Flies,whether its background, objects, characters or environment all carry on symbolic meanings。 Generally speaking, there are three main symbolic writing skills: object symbol, character symbol and event symbol。 When the whole story is full of symbols, this work itself can be called myth or fable (Xie 82)。 With the deep research on Lord of the Flies, scholars began to study it from other aspects, feminist perspective, desert island literature perspective, ecological perspective and so on。 The desert island literature always describe the civilized victory against brutal。 In this kind of works, civilized, rational and Christian faith always prevails over brutality, instinct and totem worship。 In Lord of the Flies, the real brutal Golding exposes is the Christian civilization itself。 Undoubtedly, it makes this novel unique。来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766

This paper analyzes two key elements in the novel: the island and human nature by using images of Noah’s Ark and Leviathan。 This paper also discusses whether human beings can remodel the civilization and order in a morally collapsed and disintegrated society。

3。 Leviathan on Noah’s Ark

The novel endows many religious conceptions。 In Lord of the Flies, Golding draws upon a great deal of religious symbolism to conform to more contemporary ideas of human psychology。
















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