3。1 Noah’s Ark----the analysis of the novel’s background

Noah's Ark in the Bible is a shelter when God made a flood in order to punish the evil- doers。 It is the only place to live。 However, God gave a pity to the righteous Noah, and commanded him to build an ark to carry the whole family into the boat when the flood came。 Ark makes Noah's became the only live creatures after the disease (Sheng 7)。 After leaving the ark, God decided to make a rainbow in the sky as a guarantee。 In many literary works, writers will use Noah Ark as a symbol of salvation。

To some extent, the deserted island is just the symbol of salvation, survival and hope, like Noah's Ark in the Bible。 As we all known, there is nothing dangerous on the island。 If these boys can live peacefully, they will be very happy and even build a small country of their own。 The story happens during the World War III where the island in the nuclear war provides a shelter for these children。 In the passage, humans have been caught in the nuclear war, and these children are the survivors。 They flee away to such a very beautiful place which is suitable for habitation。 It can be said to be a gift from God。 In the eyes of human beings, children are naive, innocent, they are carrying the hope of mankind。 However, the complexity of human nature pregnant with different personalities, some are good, honest, others are vicious and brutal。

3。2 Leviathan: the evil beast from the water

Whether the proposition of human nature is good or evil plagued mankind for thousands of years, meanwhile in the hearts of Golding humanity is evil。 The original sin in religion is rooted in his mind, which is also reflected on his works。

3。2。1 Goodness: civilization & democracy论文网

At the beginning of the novel, all of the children are kind, such as Ralph, Simon are naive and the little children only know to play。

Conch is the representative of civilization and democracy in the novel。 Members of

Ralph’s side, especially piggy has always stressed that the conch is the representation of the authority。 In order to maintain their good habits in a civilized society, they choose to use conch instead of public trust, living in a democratic and equal way。 At first civilization still has a binding effect on the children, which is particularly evident in Roger。 Roger throws stones to Henry even though there is a range around six yards away from him。 Here, the old taboos of life, though is invisible, it is still powerful。 But empty imaginary and no real power of democracy is like a gorgeous dress, which is impractical and useless。 Such democracy is like Utopia,which is doomed to perish。 As in China, there is an old saying goes that: the full moon will loss and water will overflow。 In fact, the group established by Ralph is, in some respects, very similar to the adult society of civilization, and the demise of this small society is mainly due to the impractical system, which also leads to his tragic ending。 Ralph is the leader but has no real power because excessive democracy does not work。 At the same time, Piggy in order to save democracy dies for it。

Democratic and civilization development of human society is the outcome of crystallization of thousand years , but it collapsed in a very short period of time。 When they arrive on the island, Raphael tries to develop a system in order to maintain their habit in civil society。 But not long, the boys gradually forget these systems。 In the end, they return to the life of the barbarians。 It is very pity。

3。2。2 Evilness: destruction & greed

The title Lord of the Flies originated from Greek equivalent Beelzebub。 In the Bible, Beel is regarded as the source of all evils (Gong 8)。 Here it means beast wins human nature。 Leviathan is also associated with it---the symbol of evil, a sea monster and the devil, which seems to be the beast considered by children。 Ocean symbolizes the origin of life, which is filled with mysticism, when Jack casually reports that beast comes from the sea。 Actually, he embodies the theme that the evil is human nature。 The fear of the beast from the boys is in fact their own。 Westerners consider original sin in their religion。 In the eyes of these scholars, people are born with guilt, thus the life of man is actually in the process of atonement。 In the long years of human evolution and development, we have been ignoring a problem, that is, human beings are actually the one of animals。 Even if the result is good, but ultimately human could not escape him own evil。
















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