
    Referring to the statements bellow, to what extent do you agree or disagree. 7- Strongly agree,6- agree,5- Somewhat agree,4-Not sure,3- Somewhat disagree,2- disagree,1- Strongly disagree. 66769

    (1) I think that many people use Made-in-China。com.

    □7        □6         □5        □4         □3        □2         □1

     (2) Many of my friends and business partners use Made-in-China。com frequently.

    □7        □6         □5        □4         □3        □2         □1

     (3) I think that more users will join Made-in-China。com.

    □7        □6         □5        □4         □3        □2         □1

     (4) People think highly of Made-in-China。com.

    □7        □6         □5        □4         □3        □2         □1

     (5) Made-in-China。com is considered one of the best E-Business platforms.

    □7        □6         □5        □4         □3        □2         □1

     (6) The website is highly compatible with the browser I often use.

    □7        □6         □5        □4         □3        □2         □1

     (7) A wide range of applications and supporting tools is available on Made-in-China。com (such as TradeMessager, APP, etc.)

    □7        □6         □5        □4         □3        □2         □1

     (8) I can apply for many business actitvties on Made-in-China。com.

    □7        □6         □5        □4         □3        □2         □1

     (9) Spending time and efforts on Made-in-China is worthwhile.

    □7        □6         □5        □4         □3        □2         □1

     (10) Compared with other B2B websites, operation process on Made-in-China。com is friendlier and more convenient.

    □7        □6         □5        □4         □3        □2         □1

     (11) I think it is wise to choose this platform over other B2B websites.

    □7        □6         □5        □4         □3        □2         □1

     (12) Information from Made-in-China。com meets my trade needs.

    □7        □6         □5        □4         □3        □2         □1

     (13) Overall, I am satisfied with the operation process (such as browsing, searching, etc.) on Made-in-China。com.

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