(d) Outline 2 along −Pd . (e) View along Pd . (f) Intersection of complete visible edges of Outline 1 and 2.
(g) View along −Pd .
Fig. 3. Illustration of outline, outer edges and outer edge loop.
Visibility of facets.
Lemma 1. Let OLE1 be an outline entity of the corresponding edge E1. If the outline completely matches with the original edge, which means OLE1 ≡ E1, this edge is visible in the viewing direction, as shown in Fig. 6.
Proof. In Fig. 6, supposing Edge 1 (E1) is completely visible along
−Pd and it is an edge of Surface 1 (S1), it would lead to E1 ∈ S1. Its projection EP1 belongs to the outside loop of projection 1 (OLP1),
which is the projection of the molding into the projection plane, as shown in Fig. 6. EP1 is swept along the parting direction and intersects with the molding. The intersection of the original model and the extrusion of EP1 is called outline edge 1 (OLE1), which further belongs to Outline 1 (OL1). So the following are obtained:
EP1 ∈ OLP1, OLE1 ∈ OL1, (1)
since E1 and EP1 form a reference plane called RP , and EP1 and OLE1
are on the same surface. They also form a reference plane called RP r , since RP and RP r are both parallel to the parting direction. Therefore, RP = RP r and E1 ∈ RP . So E1 is the intersection line of S1 and RP . OLE1 is the intersection of S1 and RP , OLE1 ∈ S1. It
• A 3D solid model of molding.
• The parting directions Pd and −Pd.
• The 3D external dimensions of the main core and cavity blocks.
thus proves OLE1 ∈ RP r = RP . OLE1 is also the intersection line of
S1 and RP . The two nonparallel planes have only one intersection line, there is thus OLE1 ≡ E1.
Assume E1 is partially visible, the conclusion of OLE1 ∈ RP and E1 ∈ RP can still be made. Since OLE1 belongs to Sr, which is the first surface it met, therefore, OLE1 ∈ Sr and Sr /= S1. So OLE1 and
• Main core, main cavity, side-cores and the internal pins with
their corresponding withdrawal directions.
E1 are not the same, which means OLE1
/= E1. This is in conflict
In this process, the largest bounding entities along the parting directions are determined. By classifying all the geometrical entities into different types, the contact surfaces of the main core, cavity and the secondary molding tools are extracted for the generation of these molding tool components. The approach is based on the Lemma 1.