Integration of Hotel Management Systems 1。 Introduction  It is generally accepted that the role of  web services in businesses is undoubtedly important。 More and more commercial software systems extend their capability and power by using web services technology。 Today the e-commerce is not merely using internet to transfer business data or supporting people to interact with dynamic web page,but  are fundamentally changed  by   web services。 The World Wide Web Consortium's eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and the eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) are standards defined in the interest of multi-purpose publishing and content reuse  and  are  increasingly being deployed in  the   construction  of web services。 Since XML is looked as the canonical message format, it could tie together thousands of systems programmed by hundreds of programming languages。 Any program can be mapped into web service, while any web service can also be mapped into program 。 74030

 We developed this system to integrate the business flow of hotel management by using   web   services   and   software   integration  technologies。   In   this   paper,   firstly   we describe a scenario of hotel reservation and discuss the interaction between GHIRS and human。 Secondly we analyse details of design and implementation of this system。 The result and implications of the studies on the development of GHIRS are shown in the   later  part。  Finally we discuss some problems still need to be  improved and possible future directions of development。   

2。 Hotel Reservation:

  The first step of a scenario of hotel reservation is that the consumer plans and looks for a hotel according the location, price or whatever his criteria and then decides the hotel。 Then he makes a reservation by telephone, fax, internet, or mail, or just through his travel  agent。  When   hotel   staff   receives  the   request,   they   first   look   if   they   can provide available services。 If there is enough resource in the hotel, they prepare the room, catering and transportation for the request and send back acknowledgement。   

GHIRS  is scalable  for   small-to-large  hotel  chains  and management   companies, especially  good  for   hotel   group。 It  truly   soars  with seamless   connectivity  to global distribution   systems   thereby  offering   worldwide   reservation   access。  It  also  delivers real-time, on line reservations via the Internet。 

    3。  Integration of Hotel Management System   

3。1 Existed System   

 This system is largely based on intranet environment。 Most of the work is done in a single hotel by the hotel staff。 It’s no customer self-service。 If a consumer wants to book a room,  hotel   staff  in local hotel must help the guest  to record his request, although FoxhisTM system already done lots of automatic job。 

  When the systems are deployed in different hotels that are parts of a group, sharing data becomes a problem。 Just as an example, if the group has ten hotels, there would be at least ten local databases to store the consumers’ data。 Because hotels need real time respond of the system, so these ten hotels can’t deploy a central database that does not locate in the same local network。 Thus one guest may have different records in  different   hotels   and   the   information   can  not  be shared。 By web  services  as  an interface, these data can be exchanged easily。   
















