[Abstract]:Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and India in April 1,1950, has passed nearly 65 years of the course of the storm.The two countries are in Asia, neighboring each other,border line up to more than 1700 kilometers.Therefore, the relationship between the two countries must be geopolitical influence.China and India have cooperation in the competition, The overall situation of the relationship between the two countries is good, But the border issues need to be resolved. Because the two countries have a natural geopolitical relationship, the force of the in-depth study of geopolitical relations for the future development of Sino Indian border question put forward systematic and comprehensive proposal has great significance. This paper intends to study the Sino Indian border issue from a geopolitical perspective, analysis of the boundary issues between the two countries from the aspects of history, current situation of the border issues and causes, and then put forward countermeasures to promote the progress of bilateral relations.
[Key Words]: The Sino-India boundary issue, The The Sino-India relationship , Geopolitics
第一部分 引言
1.1 地缘政治的涵义
美国地缘政治家斯皮克曼认为,地缘政治的涵义之一就是政治地理学的同义语,是地理学的一门分支,用来专门描述个别国家的结构和世界政区的划分[ ]。
前苏联地缘学家拉祖瓦耶夫则认为地缘政治学有以下三种涵义:第一,地缘政治学强调把地理和政治联系起来,突出地理对于政治产生的影响;第二,地缘政治学被应用到列强争夺区域和全球利益上来,即国家间竞争;第三,地缘政治学成为一种“实惠”的外交工具,推动了国际大舞台上的权力斗争,它以地理决定论原则为起点,定义外交政策的可能性和优先权[ ]。
杰弗里•帕克(Geoffrey Parker)则主张地缘政治的含义指的是“从空间或地理的视角所做的关系的研究”[ ]。
在国内,陆俊元学者强调地缘政治现实,他认为地缘政治是“政治行为体对地理环境的控制和利用,来实现以权力、利益、安全为核心的特定权利,并借助地理环境展开相互竞争的过程及其形成的空间关系”[ ]。