摘 要: 高速公路给人们带来高效与便捷的同时,也对人们的人身财产带来了潜在的威胁。随着高速公路里程的增加,高速公路交通事故越来越多,后果也越来越严重。从南京机场高速公路第一案开始,人们逐渐认识到高速公路管理人在高速公路安全保障管理中所扮演角色。现行法律没有对高速公路管理人的安全保障义务作出明确规定,这导致出现有关案件时,法官往往只能凭借自己的办案经历来确定高速公路管理人是否尽到了安全保障的义务,造成同类型案件中高速公路管理人承担责任却有轻有重。本文将讨论高速公路管理人违反安全保障义务的侵权责任,确定责任主体、有关安全保障义务的内容、归责原则以及在发生第三人侵权时违反安全保障义务的高速公路管理人如承担补充责的问题,并对建立高速公路管理人安全保障责任制度提出一些自己的意见和看法。71549
The Study of Security Obligation in the Highway Administrator
Abstract: Highway has played an important role in social life, people enjoy efficient and convenient, but the personal and property are potentially threatened. With the increase in highway mileage, highway traffic accidents more and more, the consequences are more serious. Starting from Nanjing airport highway case, people come to realize the highway administrator played an important role in the security management . Highway administrators are obligated to provide a safe and efficient traffic environment for the passage of a vehicle. Current law does not make specific provisions for highway administrator‘s security obligations. This has led to the case happen, the judge often only by virtue of their experience in handling cases to determine whether highway administrator to violate security obligations, resulting in the same type of case, highway administrator to take different obligations. This article will lead to problems in two cases and "Tort Liability Act," Article 37 in violation of security obligations tort liability as a basis for discussion highway administrator in violation of Security Obligation tort liability, confirming the subject of liabilities,the contents of the security obligation , liability principle and the occurrence of the third person infringement bear responsibility, the highway administrator how to bear the supplement responsibility, the establishment of highway administrator's security management system made some my own opinions and views.
Key Words: highway administrator; security obligation; liability principle; supplementary liability
目 录
一、引言 1
二、两则典型案例引出的问题 1
(一)高速公路管理者及其义务争议案例 1
(二)高速公路管理人义务范围的认定以及责任形态案例 2
三、高速公路安全保障义务的主体及内容 3
(一)高速公路管理人的认定 3
(二)高速公路管理人在案例中的确定 4
(三)高速公路管理人安全保障义务 4
(四)高速公路管理人安全保障义务在上述案例中的具体适用 6
四、高速公路管理人违反安全保障义务的归责原则以及补充责任 7
(一)高速公路管理人违反安全保障义务的归责原则 7