Judicial Conviction of insurance fraud - A 50 typical cases analysis center
Abstract: Insurance is a risk transfer mechanism for human use by the majority of scientific principles minority share of losses, this risk transfer mechanisms to improve people's ability to withstand the risk of an accident, but the insurance industry is not easy, there is a serious social harm, we must strengthen the study of theory and insurance fraud crackdown in judicial practice。 In this paper, revolves around the judicial determination of insurance fraud, the first part of the case leads to a small problem。 The second part reflection judicial practice of insurance fraud。 The third part points out of insurance fraud problem in judicial practice reasons, the fourth part of insurance fraud for legal problems put forward some suggestions。 Hope that through the analysis of this article, so that people on the insurance fraud judicial determination of a clear understanding。
Keywords:insurance fraud, judicial practice,recommendations to improve judicial practice
目 录
一、保险欺诈典型案例探讨 3
(一)案情简介:帅英保险欺诈案 3
(二)争议焦点 3
二、保险欺诈司法实践反思 4
(一)《保险法》中关于投保人的如实告知义务在保险欺诈案例中均未得到适用 4
(二)保险欺诈进行赔付的标准模糊、不确定 5
(三)司法实践中大量适用的规则在法律中并没有明确规定 5
(四)司法实践中对于保险欺诈者的民事责任往往不追究 6
三、我国保险欺诈司法实践存在不足的原因 7
(一)应对保险欺诈的法律体系不健全 7
(二)保险法规定存在不足 7
(三)刑法的规定存在不足 7
四、完善保险欺诈规定的相关建议 8
(一)建立健全保险欺诈相关法律制度 8
(二)确立保险欺诈民事责任优先原则 8
(三)完善我国保险法相关制度 8
(四)完善保险诈骗罪客观方面和主观方面内容 9
(五)增设惩罚性的法律条文 9
结语 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11