    Enterprise Development Research Centre building structure design
    This design is the subject of Enterprise Development Research Centre building structure design. The project is a total construction area of 4230 square meter, building layers 5 layers, the structure in the form of in-situ reinforced concrete frame structure. The design consists of two parts: the architectural design and structural design. Architectural design part, according to the design requirements of the mission statement, considering the space environment, the use of functional, structural modeling, construction and other aspects of the use of the internal space of the building features for a reasonable arrangement. Structural design part, through the calculations and hand calculations master frame structure, the main structure required to learn to understand and frame structure, the structural arrangement of the principles, methods to calculate loads and load combinations, as well as analysis of the load structure under internal forces in the vertical and horizontal load superstructure and foundation design methods.
    KeyWords: reinforced concrete structure; frame structure
    目  录
    [摘要]      1
    第1章  建筑设计    2
    1.1 设计依据  2
    1.2 设计要求    2
    1.3建筑设计   2
    第2章  结构设计   7
    2.1设计依据•     7
    2.2设计要求•     8
    2.3 结构方案•     9
    2.4 主要材料•    10
    2.5 梁、板、柱截面选择  11
    第3章  荷载计算•  12
    第4章    结构电算  19
    4.1 建筑结构总信息  19
    4.2 周期地震力与振型输出文件•  33
    4.3 位移输出文件•   50
    4.4 结构点算小结  55
    第5章  楼板计算  57
    第6章   楼梯计算•  57
    6.1现浇板式楼梯• 58
    6.2 梯段板设计    •  58
    6.3 平台板设计•  60
    6.4 平台梁配筋设计  61
    第7章   桩基计算  63
    7.1 设计资料   63
    7.2 选择桩型、桩材及几何尺寸•  64
    7.3 桩基的计算•  64
    7.4 初选承台尺寸•  65
    7.5三桩承台计算过程  65
    7.6 四桩承台计算过程•  72
    7.7 五桩承台计算过程•  78
    《主要参考文献和所用设计规范》•  84
    致 谢•    85

    第8章 附 图
    8.1 各层平面简图
    8.2 各层混凝土配筋构件及钢构件应力比简图
    8.3 各层梁、柱计算配筋图
    8.4 各层现浇板板计算配筋图
    8.5 D+L值
    1 建筑方案设计
    1.1 设计依据
    [1] 《建筑防火规范》(GB50016-2012);
    [2] 《办公建筑设计规范》(JGJ 67-2006);
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