
    设计总说明:本次毕业设计课题是建筑给水排水工程设计,依照设计规范和任务书的设计范围,设计内容划为三大部分 — 建筑给水系统、建筑排水系统以及建筑消防系统。设计范围为建筑十八层,其中第一层是大厅,第十八层是屋顶设备层,二层到十七层是公寓商住房,总建筑高度为58.2m,外网可资用水头为0.14Mpa。我安排的给水方式是首层至两层市政管网直供;3层至10层由加压1区变频供水设备供给;11层至17层由加压2区变频供水设备供给。设计建筑排水系统采用合流制排水方式;设计建筑雨水系统采用普通的外排方式。本工程建筑物内设有室内消火栓系统,自动喷淋灭火系统,并且室内配置手提式灭火器辅助消防。43501


    A building water supply and drainage engineering design

    Design General Explanation: My graduated from the design topic is to design a building drainage works, according to the design requirements of the mission statement, the contents of my design for the construction of water supply systems, drainage systems and building design building fire protection systems. Design eighth floor building on the ground, where the eighteenth floor of the roof equipment layer, one hall, two to eighteen layers of apartment commercial housing, building height 58.2m, can be funded outside the network perennial water head is 0.14Mpa, which the first floor to the second floor of the way for the municipal water supply pipe network water supply; 3 to 10-layer design approach using low frequency pressurized water district, 11 to 17-layer design approach using high-pressure water zone frequency. Designing building drainage system uses combined sewer manner; design building rainwater efflux system uses ordinary way. Design building fire sprinkler system using same settings and hydrant systems.

    Key Words: water supply system; drainage system; fire safety system;

     目  录


    1.1选题依据 1

    1.2文献综述 1

    1.3.1预计达到的目标 3

    1.3.2预计达到的目标 3

    1.4 课题研究进展计划 10

    2 设计任务

    2.1设计任务 11

    2.2设计依据 11

    2.2.1建筑设计资料 11

    2.2.2相关设计资料 11

    3 设计说明

    3.1建筑给水工程 12

    3.1.1系统的选择 12

    3.1.2系统的组成 12

    3.2建筑排水工程 12

    3.2.1系统的选择 12

    3.2.2系统的组成 12

    3.3建筑消防给水工程 12

    3.3.1系统的选择 12

    3.3.2系统的组成 13


    4.1水量计算 14

    4.1.1生活水箱容积的计算 14

    4.2建筑给水系统计算 16

    4.2.1低区给水管网水力计算(3~10层) 16

    4.2.2高区给水管网水力计算(11~17层) 17

    4.3建筑排水系统计算 23


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