




    毕业论文关键词:   框架结构;建筑设计;结构设计;抗震设计

    Abstract  This design mainly has carried on the structure scheme of transverse frame structure design. After determining the size of the frame parts, first determine the representative value of the gravity load calculation, and then calculate the earthquake under the action of natural vibration period, calculate the size of displacement between the earthquake action, and then calculate the internal force under the action of earthquake. And then to calculate the vertical loads, live loads, snow loads of structures  internal force. Then carries on the internal force combination, to find out the most adverse internal force combination, selecting one of the most safe for reinforcement. After on board, column, beam, stair parts such as reinforcement. Followed by selecting a group of internal force combination, determine the basic size, and on the basis of the reinforcement.

        Through this graduation design, I finished the floor plan, elevation drawing, section drawing, diagram drawing, completed the graduation design calculation part at the same time, also finished calculation using PKPM.

    The whole structure of the design process, in strict compliance with the relevant professional standard, reference to relevant information and the latest national standards and specifications, and design of the various components of a comprehensive scientific considerations. In short, application, security, economic and user-friendly design is the principle. Design reasonable and workable structure of the program is the construction site of the important basis for the construction.

    Keywords: Frame structure; Architectural design; Structural design; Anti-seismic design

    目  录

    第一章  绪  论 1

    1.1选题的目的及意义 1

    1.2  建筑设计理念及设计依据 1

    1.3国内外研究现状及存在的问题 2

    第二章  建筑设计 4

    2.1工程概况 4

    2.2设计依据 4


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