




    Extra-dosed cable-stayed bridges by column, beam, pier and bridge combination system composed of four basic components.Its characteristic is concentration, dwarf, Liang Gang, tower. Is a new type of bridge structure. It is neither a bridge nor traditional cable-stayed bridge, the mechanical behavior of it somewhere in between, in other words, it is a kind of cable-stayed bridge and the bridge of cooperation system. On the basis of the girder bridge adopted the idea of external prestressing cables, moving the body part of the prestressed cable to tower bridge, cable saddle is equal to the turning point of external prestressing cables. This system solved the beam prestressed allocative efficiency is not high and the problem of insufficient space, also reduce the section size of main girder, has great economic significance. Due to its good economic features and aesthetic effect, both at home and abroad in recent years has been rapid development.

    This paper introduces the main content of the extra-dosed cable-stayed bridges construction design, and analyses an actual extra-dosed cable-stayed bridges. And learn some main design points of PC tower type of extra-dosed cable-stayed bridges . On the bridge of the main design parameters, as a way for bridge structure, constraint method, cable force and so on has carried on the optimization study, and based on the above optimization results to the whole bridge structure has carried on the detailed analysis and key components of the static and dynamic node local analysis of the design.

    Key words:extra-dosed cable-stayed bridges;cable/beam live-load ratio; FEM; optimization; cable;prestress;cable safety coefficient;allowable stress;the structural parameters;as a way for bridge;constraints;and the cable force;the static and dynamic characteristics of suspension design.

    目  录

    第1章 绪   论 5

    1.1 选题的目的与意义 5

    1.2 国内外研究的现状及存在的问题 5

    1.2.1埃塔-斜拉桥国外发展情况 5

    1.2.2埃塔-斜拉桥国内发展情况 6

    第2章 矮塔-斜拉桥的特点与发展前景 7

    2.1矮塔-斜拉桥的受力特点 7


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