Fresh air unit selection combined Carrier ceiling type series, models were DBFPX4, DBFPX6, DBFPX10. Side air supply outlet chooses the double shutter form, the diffuser chooses the square diffuser, the return air outlet adopts the single layer shutter form. Chilled water system with two control, closed, a pump variable flow system, the different layer of water pipes, the use of regulating valve adjustment. Chiller is set on the roof platform, use joint open two and (Shanghai) Air Conditioner Co., Ltd. GH series piston type air cooled chiller, model: 30GH245, refrigerating capacity for 817Kw, water flow to 140.4 cubic meters /, refrigeration water 12 DEG C, water 7 degrees centigrade, water side dirt coefficient for 0.086 square meters, C /kW. 

Chilled water pump according to the flow and head choose Shanghai Bo Yu Pump Co., Ltd. BYKT (refrigeration and air conditioning circulating water pump chilled water pump, the model for BYKT500-100 (I) flow / h, head for 12.5 meters, is the choice of four, adoption of dual-purpose two (two) and installation. Due to the system of effective volume of expansion tank is 0.42 m3, selection of Shenzhen Xun Technology Co., Ltd. products, RP series expansion tank and the model is RP350CE/18, design pressure 1.5~3Mpa, and the water tank to take heat preservation measures. In addition, I also have a simple design of the insulation and noise reduction of the pipeline.

The design in accordance with the building structure and requirements of air conditioning scheme is formulated, in order to meet the requirements of the use of, can not only meet the thermal comfort of the office, also meet the air conditioning design of scientific rationality and economy, such as all the rooms in the selection of fan coil units were for the same brand (Gree) to facilitate the procurement.

This design is a typical example of the subject, there is a theoretical analysis and calculation, there is the choice of central air-conditioning, there is a practical drawing, is a complete engineering design examples. Design calculation of the main cooling load calculation, the calculation of air supply, the calculation of the pipeline, etc.. The calculation of the cooling load determines the air condition and adjusting condition of each room, and the load capacity of the whole project. Is the main data to determine the indoor air conditioning control program. Is also the main reference data for the selection of chiller. The calculation of air supply volume and pipeline is the basis of the whole design of the actual equipment and pipeline. In addition to some of the details of the problem to be demonstrated and to solve the problem. For example, the corrosion of pipes, insulation problems, material selection, etc.. In the whole design, try to solve the practical problems in the project.

 目 录

0 绪论 1

1 工程概述及设计依据 2

1.1 工程概况 2

1.2 设计依据 2

1.2.1 围护结构及热工特性 2

1.2.2 围护结构的做法 2

1.2.3 空调室外设计参数 4

1.2.4 空调室内设计参数 4

2 负荷计算 6

2.1 夏季冷负荷的计算 6

2.1.1 夏季冷负荷的组成 6

2.2 负荷计算过程和结果汇总 6

2.2.1 冷负荷系数法计算负荷的过程 6

2.2.3 各层房间湿负荷计算及汇总 9

2.2.2 各层房间冷负荷计算及汇总 11













