摘要绪论如今,我国的国民经济发展繁荣,民众也伴随着拥有更好地生活水平,对于建筑室内环境的要求也变得越来越高。不论是在维持室内舒适环境方面还是在维持人们生活质量、健康、安全方面,冷热源系统的作用无疑是非常重要的。作为制冷空调系统的“心脏”, 冷热源在系统的投资和运行能耗方面充当了至关重要的角色。同时,也身为暖通空调产业领域的主力军,制冷空气调节系统的冷热源设备也是建筑能源供应系统的重要组成内容。冷热源工程的目标是为指定地区,指定建筑的制冷空调系统优化配置冷热源设备,并且能够舍得设备高效运行与稳定工作。课题来源本课题题目为上海某书城中央空调冷热源系统设计。 本次毕业设计的任务是要求用负荷软件计算出建筑冷、热源空调系统负荷;通过分析和计算选择冷热源机房的设备;并且对冷热源机房,制冷泵房等重要房间进行设备和管道的布置;不低于规定要求的工程图纸符合国家要求,按时完成各项设计任务。设计标准本工程建筑面积 79200 平方米,地下4 层,地上由8 至24 层的层数不等的3 个区组成,分别为 A 区、B 区、C 区。直燃机房和制冷泵房布置在地下。本工程空调系统的冷热源均由位于主楼东侧地下的直燃机房供给, 直燃机房内设有三台直燃型吸收式冷温水机组,满足主楼冷热源的全年需求,所有冷水循环泵、温水循环泵、及冷却水循环泵等设备位于直燃机房下方地下三层的制冷泵房内,相应的冷却塔位于 B 区十四层屋面。设计原则本次设计主要结合该工程工况的实际要求,通过鸿业暖通软件计算得出的负荷,选择合适的冷热源设备。并且结合各类参考资料,选择合适的冷热源机房所需的各种设备并在图纸上进行合理的布置。61771
毕业论文关键词: 冷热源系统设计;冷负荷;热负荷;直燃型溴化锂吸收式冷温水机;热水锅炉
A design in heating and cooling system of centralair-conditioning for Shanghai Bookmall
IntroductionNowadays, with the rapid development of national economy, people's life level has beencontinuously improved,the requirement of indoor environment id getting higher and higher.Both in terms of maintaining comfortable indoor environment and in keeping the quality ofpeople's life, health, safety, and the effect of heating and cooling source system is veryimportant.As the “heart”of refrigeration and air conditioning systems, cooling and heating systemplays a very vital role in system investment and energy consumption. Meanwhile, as themainstay of HVAC industry, refrigeration and air conditioning system of cold and heat sourceequipment is an important content of building energy supply systems. Heating and coolingsource project is to optimize the allocation of heating and cooling system as well as to runefficiently and stably for specified area and building.Topic sourceThe title of this topic is “A design in heating and cooling system of central air-conditioningfor Shanghai bookmall”.The task of this graduation design is required to build heating andcooling air-conditioning system load calculation; Through the analysis of the equipment ofheating and cooling source calculating and selecting ;as well as laying out the equipment andpipes of heating and cooling source room; No less than required engineering drawings in linewith national requirements and complete the design task on time.Design standardsThe construction area is 79,200 m2, with 4 underground floors and on the ground floor by a8-24 layers ranging from three zones, namely the Area A, Area B, C area. The directcombustion engine room and pump room cooling arranged in the ground. The heat sourceproject of air-conditioning system is supplied by direct combustion room in the main buildingon the eastern side of the ground floor, room features a direct-fired three direct-fired absorptionchiller unit, the main heat source to meet the annual demand of all cold water cycle pump, hotwater circulation pumps, and cooling water circulation pumps and other equipment located inthe direct-fired three underground room below the pump room cooling, cooling tower locatedcorresponding region B 14 layers of roof. Design principlesThe actual design of the main requirements of the project conditions and the calculatedload by Hongye HVAC software to select the appropriate heat source equipment. Meanwhileincorporating various types of reference data to choose a variety of devices suitable heat sourcerequired for the engine room and reasonable arrangement on the drawing.
















