There are 6 special points in the plane design, 4 corners, 4 segments, and the radius is 638m, 400m, 492m, 841m. The easement curves are 171m, 162m, 155m, 209m. The minimum line length between curves requires that the minimum length of the line between the curves is not less than 360 km, and that the minimum length of the straight line between the reverse curves should not be less than 120 km.

  The "vertical flat pack" principle in the design of vertical curve, the consideration of three aspects of vertical and horizontal gradients test line, determining the grade value, to determine the radius of vertical curve, then calculate the design elevation, complete profile.

  In the cross sectional design stage, the layout of the roadway, the central partition, the sidewalk and the shoulder are determined according to the traffic volume, the speed of driving and the topography. The lateral geometric dimensions are determined. On the basis of standard cross section, the cross section of each pile is widened and ultra high, so as to improve the comfort and safety of driving.

  Earthwork allocation is pided into horizontal allocation and vertical deployment. And calculates the debit, the discard, and the total volume. Through the allocation of earth and stone to solve the design of road balance of earthwork and utilization, in the national policy and technical and economic conditions, as far as possible to dig dug for filling, to avoid unnecessary debit and dump.

  Subgrade design focuses on the design of the subgrade and the method of arc to calculate the stability of the soil. Retaining walls are constructed to prevent soil collapse and are mainly subjected to lateral earth pressure. It is widely used in the support of embankments, cutting slopes, tunnel openings, bridge ends and so on. Retaining wall design and drainage facilities layout, retaining walls using 8m gravity retaining wall. Gravity retaining wall is simple in structure and easy to construct, so gravity retaining wall is adopted.

Key words: road design; subgrade and pavement design;

目 录

引 言 7

1 绪论 7

1.1 设计任务 7

1.2 任务要求 7

1.3 设计意义 7

1.4 交通量 7

1.5 公路技术标准 8

2 线形确定 9

2.1 道路等级确定 9

2.1.1 公路等级的划分 9

2.1.2 已经设计资料 9

2.1.3 查规范 9

2.1.4 确定公路等级 9

2.2 选线 10

2.2.1 选线的意义 10

2.2.2 平原微丘地区公路路线特点 10

2.2.3 平原微丘地区选线要点 10

3 平面设计 10

3.1 平面设计的要求 10

3.2 参数确定,查《公路工程技术标准》 11

3.2.1 公路服务水平 11

3.2.2 圆曲线最小半径 11

3.2.3 缓和曲线最小长度 11

3.3平面线形设计 11

3.3.1 方位角、转角计算 11
















