    摘要:随着中国经济的发展,中国服装消费市场已经逐渐成为全球服装零售市场的重心, 众多国际知名“快时尚”服装零售品牌都纷纷进入中国市场,给本土快时尚服装企业带来了巨大的竞争压力。而营销策略是企业实施营销战略的战术和战役的具体体现。制定好的营销策略对企业生存与发展起着非常重要的作用,也是提升产品力、品牌力等的重要手段。     
    Fast Fashion Clothing Brand Marketing Strategy Take ZARA For Example
    Abstract: With the development of Chinese economy, Chinese clothing consumption market has gradually become the focus of the global apparel retail market, many international famous "fast fashion" clothing retail brands have entered the Chinese market, to the local fast fashion clothing enterprises are of great competitive pressure. The marketing strategy is a concrete manifestation of corporate tactical and operational implementation of the marketing strategy. Developing a good marketing strategy for business survival and development plays a very important role, but also an important means to enhance the product, brand strength and the like.
    Prestigious international fashion industry Inditex Group established ZARA first flagship store in the Chinese mainland market in Shanghai in 2006, marking its formal entry into the Chinese mainland market, and succeed quickly. Investigate its success, ZARA unique marketing strategy is particularly impressive. This paper analyzes the successes and measures to deal with problem solving ZARA brand marketing strategy, hoping to improve learning for the growth of Chinese fast-fashion brand and business development of the industry.
    Key Words: fast fashion, marketing strategy, ZARA, Revelation
    前言    1
    一、快时尚服装品牌营销策略相关理论综述    2
      (一)快时尚服装品牌相关概念    2
        1、快时尚的定义    2
        2、快时尚服装行业的形态特征    2
        3、快时尚服装品牌的形成背景    3
      (二)营销策略相关概念    3
        1、营销策略的概念    3
        2、营销策略的要素    4
        3、营销策略的理论演进    5
      (三)国内外研究现状    7
        1、国外研究现状    7
        2、国内研究现状    8
    二、我国快时尚服装行业现状及调研分析    9
      (一)我国快时尚服装行业现状    9
        1、快时尚服装行业营销的特点    9
        2、我国快时尚服装行业营销现状    9
      (二)ZARA服装品牌营销策略的市场调研和分析    10
        1、ZARA服装品牌简介    10
        2、ZARA服装品牌营销现状    10
        3、调研的方法和内容    11
        4、调研结果分析    12
    三、ZARA服装品牌营销策略具体分析及问题应对措施    19
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