    关键词: 非理性消费;消费者行为;消费文化;行为经济学
    Analysis on the irrational consumption behavior

    Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy,people’s standard of living is continuously rising. Chinese consumers have changed the consumption behavior from consumption idea, consumption patterns to the content of consumption, consumption means dramatically in last few years.But as a result of the difference in traditional culture, economic capacity, the concept and consumer psychology, the consumption of Chinese consumers is relatively backward, the persification of consumption behavior, irrational consumption behavior becomes more and more common. Therefore, the research on irrational behavior of Chinese consumers has very important practical significance. How to face and solve this practical problem has become the major issue to the general public. As a subject, this paper analyzes the irrational consumption behavior as the research object.
    This article is pided into five chapters; the first chapter introduces the connection of consumption, consumer and consumer behavior. The second chapter introduces the definition and features of irrational consumption behavior. The third chapter is the classification of irrational consumption. The fourth chapter describes the specific reasons of irrational consumption behavior. The fifth chapter is about methods to put an end to irrational consumption.
    Key Words: Irrational consumption;Consumer behavior; Consumption behavior; Behavioral economics
    目  录
    引言    5
    一、消费、消费者与消费者行为    6
    (一) 消费与消费者    6
    (二) 消费者心理与行为    6
    (一) 理性消费的涵义    7
    (二) 理性消费与非理性消费的界定    7
    (三) 非理性消费的定义    7
    (四)非理性消费的特点    7
    1.不确定性    7
    2. 群体行为    8
    3. 社会制约性与生物制约性    8
    4. 目的性与盲目性    8
    5. 规律性与冲动性    8
    三、非理性消费行为种类    9
    (一) 模仿型消费    9
    (二)攀比炫耀型消费    10
    (三) 从众型消费    11
    (四)鼓动消费型    12
    (五)陈旧消费观念型    13
    四、 非理性消费的原因    15
    (一) 消费欲望    15
    (二) 消费主义的误导    15
    (三) 市场信息的不对称性    15
    (四) 大众传播媒介的误导    16
    (五) 过度谨慎消费    16
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