    关键词: 民营养老机构;现状;对策;上海
    Development status and Countermeasures of Shanghai private pension institutions
    Abstract:  Aging population increase gradually in china and reduced birth population increasing, cause of aging population in China is intensifying, and the need to pension services of the population has also been gradually increased. Under the current pension increasing demand, the traditional family pension and basic public service pension institutions have been unable to meet the pension needs of pension, which gave birth to the development of private pension institutions.
    Nowadays private pension agency service system is growing, but the development of the private pension agency is good and bad are intermingled, the government's policy support of private pension institutions and management constraints, is constantly perfecting. The research method is through the Shanghai private pension agency managers were interviewed for the current development of private pension institutions in Shanghai to study. Study concept of pension is not accepted by the elderly, the government should intensify propaganda, spurred the idea transformation, to correct some incorrect cognition; private pension institutions needed to support government policies should strengthen the training of private pension agency nurses; private pension institutions operate confusion, should strengthen the supervision of private pension institutions; the private pension institutions lack professional level, should establish the management system, enhance the standardization of pension institutions; private pension institutions are small, the government should support the development of private pension institutions.
    Key Words: Private pension institution; Status; Countermeasures; Shanghai
    (一) 研究背景和目的.1
    (二) 研究意义.1
    1、 现实意义1
    2、 理论意义2
    3、 研究方法2
    (一) 国外研究综述.3
    (二) 国内研究综述.3
    (三) 文献综述.4
    (一) 马斯洛需求层次理论.5
    (二) 公共产品理论.6
    (三)  福利多元理论.6
    四、上海民营养老机构养老服务发展现状及存在的问题    .6
    (一) 基本情况描述.6
    (二) 存在的问题及原因分析.7
    1、 认同度、资金不足7
    2、 缺乏专业人员8
    3、 管理体系混乱8
    4、 政策不完善8
    (一) 加大宣传、筹资渠道.9
    (二) 培养专业人员.9
    (三) 加强管理体系建设.9
    (四) 政府完善政策10
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