    关键词    意见领袖辨识 网络舆情 层次分析法 微博
    Title Study on Recognition of Micro-blog Opinion Leaders Based   on Social Network                    
    With the development of the Internet, network public opinion becomes the mapping of public opinion in real social life, which is a direct reflection of public opinion. Internet has the characteristics of quickness, interaction, openness, fictitiousness and abruptness, so it becomes a free place for internet users to express their opinions and to communicate with each other. Opinion leaders on the internet play an important role in promoting the formation of online public opinion, which can influence the direction of public opinion.
    This paper is based on the theories of Online Public Opinion, Micro-blog opinion leaders and social network. Using analytic hierarchy process, the paper constructs micro-blog opinion leader identification index system, and confirms the index. Then the paper takes "Nanjing nurses beaten events" as a case, obtains relevant “authority”and “activity”data from micro-blog platform, and gets the micro-blog opinion leaders about this events through the micro-blog opinion leader identification index system. Finely,the author analyses the result.
    Keywords  Identification of Opinion leadership    Online public opinion    The analytic hierarchy process      micro-blog
    目  次
    1引言    1
    1.1 研究背景及意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    2
    1.2.1 国外研究现状    2
    1.2.2 国内研究现状    4
    1.2.3 研究现状述评    5
    1.3 研究问题与方法    6
    1.4 本文结构    7
    2 研究的理论与方法基础    9
    2.1 网络舆情的理论概述    9
    2.1.1 网络舆情的涵义    9
    2.1.2 网络舆情的特点    10
    2.1.3 网络舆情的演化周期    11
    2.1.4 网络舆情传播的途径    12
    2.2 微博意见领袖的理论概述    13
    2.2.1 微博意见领袖的涵义和作用    13
    2.2.2 微博意见领袖的特征和分类    14
    2.2.3 微博意见领袖的识别方法    15
    2.4 社会网络的理论概述    15
    2.4.1 社会网络的涵义    16
    2.4.2 中心度的概念    17
    3 微博意见领袖辨识指标体系    18
    3.1 指标体系构建的原则    18
    3.2 指标体系构建的方法及思路    18
    3.2.1 识别方法    18
    3.2.2 设计思路    18
    3.3 指标层次分析结构的构建    19
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