    毕业论文关键词: 客户忠诚度;索尼品牌;客户价值
    The Research on customer loyalty of Sony
    Abstract:Customer loyalty plays an important role in the increasing of enterprises profits. Being kind to customer is the foundation of enterprise’s survival and development in the competition environment, and it’s the most important way to improve and expand the company’s market share. Paying more attention to the construction of brand image is the main goal of the modern enterprise. We take SONY brand as example, and analyze the situation of the electronics industry at present, then we introduce the connotation of the consumer brand loyalty, measurement and studying significance after reading comprehensive literature.  By introducing the SONY brand and using the 4 c marketing theory, we do a further study for the significant meaning that customer loyalty to the reshape of the SONY brand. By the analysis of the measures and significance to improve customer loyalty, I hope it will help enterprises to realize the importance of building customer loyalty, especially for these who want to build a long-term customer relationship or the enterprise which in the crisis, I hope the paper can inspire them to find a suitable way for their own development.
    Key Words:  Customer loyalty; Sony brand loyalty; Customer value
    目  录
    引  言    1
    一、绪论    2
    (一)选题背景    2
    (二)研究目的和意义    2
    1、研究目的    2
    2、研究意义    2
    (三) 文献综述    3
    二、品牌忠诚度    5
    (一)品牌忠诚度的含义及层级    5
    1.品牌忠诚度的含义    5
    2.品牌忠诚度的层级    5
    (二)品牌忠诚度的衡量和价值    6
    1.品牌忠诚度的衡量    6
    2.品牌忠诚度的价值    6
    三、索尼品牌概况和4C理论的运用    7
    (一) 索尼公司的概况    7
    (二)4C理论的运用    9
    1.消费者(Customer)    9
    2.成本(Cost)    10
    3.便利(Convenience)    10
    4.沟通(Communication)    10
    四、消费者对索尼品牌的忠诚度分析    12
    (一)消费者对索尼品牌忠诚度概况    12
    (二)索尼对提高消费者忠诚度所采取的措施    13
    1.重视客户需求和客户满意度    13
    2.提高产品质量,保持创新力    13
    3.加强与客户的沟通    14
    4.注重产品的差异化    14
    5.构建以客户为中心的企业文化    14
    6.进行客户流失管理    15
    五.提高消费者忠诚度对重塑索尼品牌的意义    16
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