    摘要:公共场所是集聚有众多公众人员的场所。本文针对某公共场所大型群众性活动人流量大、人群密集、易发生混乱的特点,在事故隐患分析的基础上,应用PHA-LEC分析法对其事故隐患进行分析与评价。又使用了国家标准《大型群众性活动安全管理条例》对该公共场所进行安全评价,得出了该场所主要存在的舞台坍塌、火灾爆炸、触电等伤害类别为主要伤害的结论。利用安全管理标准化评分细则进行综合评判,对不同规模的场所、不同种类的隐患的权重进行了分析。在此权重分析的基础上得出该场所安全现状为良好的结论。同时也发现临时搭建舞台、看台引发的坍塌事故在大型活动中占有越来越大的比例,提出制定搭建临时性舞台、看台的技术标准的措施,并逐一对各种典型事故隐患采取防范措施,有效地减少活动现场的事故隐患,最终探讨得出能在类似公共场所大型群众性活动中通用的“全过程标准化监控” 分级安全管理模式。4928
    关键词:    公共场所;大型群众性活动;安全管理;应急预案
    The discussion on safety management mode of large mass activities in the public place
    Abstract: Public places are gathering many public person. This article is intended for analysis and evaluation of the hidden danger of accident ,which would happen in a large-scale mass activity in a public place, on the basis of the crowed characteristics of the activity and PHA - LEC method. By using national standards for the large-scale mass activities safety management regulations of the public safety evaluation, conclusion would be made of the main kinds of damage, that is stage collapsing, fire explosion, electric shock,etc.Besides, with the comprehensive evaluation by using standardized safety management rules, the hidden dangers of the places of different sizes and different kinds are analyzed.And based on the above analysis, we may get a qualified evaluation of the present situation of the place. Moreover, we can find the collapse accidents, which happen in large-scale activities because of a makeshift stage, account for an increasing proportion.Since then, we put forward the technical standards for building temporary stage, and taking preventive measures of all sorts of typical accidents one by one to effectively reduce the accident hidden danger at the scene of activities. Eventually, we may explore for the graded safety management mode of the standardization monitoring during the whole process, which is able to apply in mass activities of public places in general.
    KeyWords:    public place;safety management mode;emergency plan;sudden events
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 本文的研究背景与意义    1
    1.1.1  近年来国内外公共场所大型群众性活动重大事故实例和统计数据    1
    1.1.2  本文研究的意义    3
    1.2 我国公共场所大型群众性活动的基本概况    3
    1.2.1  我国公共场所大型群众性活动基本概念的界定    3
    1.2.2  我国公共场所大型群众性活动相关的国家规定和行业标准    3
    1.3 国内外安全管理现状    5
    1.3.1  国外安全管理现状    5
    1.3.2  国内安全管理现状    6
    1.4 本文研究的内容与方法    6
    1.4.1  本文的研究内容    6
    1.4.2  研究的方法及采用的技术路线    7
    2 公共场所大型群众性活动事故发生规律的研究    8
    2.1 公共场所大型群众性活动的特点和共性    8
    2.1.1  公共场所的特点    8
    2.1.2  大型群众性活动的特点    8
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