    Study on the construction of the core enterprise in supply chain social responsibility management system
    Abstract: Corporate social responsibility is increasingly being valued by the enterprise and the society in China, still do not have a complete, unified understanding, also does not have the system of corporate social responsibility management system to standardize the behavior of enterprises. This paper selected topic is the research on the building of social responsibility management system core enterprise supply chain. In the food industry as a case study, based on social responsibility information recognition of the supply chain enterprise, categories, characteristics and management mode of clear supply chain core of corporate social responsibility, and to explore the core enterprise supply chain integration and management model of social responsibility. Effect of comprehensive demonstration of supply chain core of corporate social responsibility information disclosure and risk early warning mechanism in security of supply chain management responsibility in the product. And discusses the design and construction of social responsibility management system core enterprise supply chain, hope construction to provide the reference for social responsibility management system of enterprises in china..
    Keywords: The food industry; The core of supply chain; Corporate social responsibility
    目  录
    引  言.    1
     一、企业社会责任简介    2

     二、供应链和企业社会责任的联系    2

       三、我国的食品行业现状及企业社会责任分析    4

       四、供应链核心企业社会责任的特点及管理模式类别分析    6

     五、供应链核心企业的社会责任融入与管控模式分析    8

       优尔、供应链核心企业社会责任信息披露与风险预警机制分析    9

       七、供应链核心企业社会责任管理体系的设计与构建    11
       八、供应链核心企业社会责任管理体系在我国的构建意义和启示    13
      结论    15
      致  谢    16
      参考文献    17

    引  言
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