    The investigation and analysis of rural left-behind children's interpersonal relationship --- Take the primary school in Jiangxi province for example
    Abstract:Due to the special family growth environment, left-behind children compared with non left-behind children are more sensitive, competitive and with high self-esteem in interpersonal communication, which highlights the necessity of research on the interpersonal relationship among rural left-behind children. In July 2013, "a program under which officials" summer volunteer team to follow school of jiangxi ningdu dagu township central primary school for about 2 months of research activity, through to the primary school is grade three, four, five inpidual interview and family visit form after in-depth interviews found that left-behind children in general more harmonious interpersonal relationship status, but also exist in small groups, discrimination, fight, conflict and even the collective exclusion problems such as these are to make their life and learning have suffered serious impact. In view of this, this topic will be the study of left-behind children in interpersonal communication, understand its characteristics and problems, to find some effective ways to improve further and make the left-behind children can healthy and happy growth.
    Keywords: left-behind children; interpersonal relationship; unhealthy psychology; improvements
    目 录
    引言    1
    一、文献综述与研究构思    2
    (一) 文献综述    2
    1、 国内相关研究现状综述    2
    2、 国外相关研究现状综述    2
    3、 已有研究不足    3
    (二) 研究构思    3
    1、 研究目标与方案    3
    2、 研究方法    3
    二、农村留守儿童人际关系的现状    4
    (一) 农村留守儿童人际关系总体来说是和谐的    4
    (二) 农村留守儿童人际关系存在的主要问题    4
    1、 小团体现象    4
    2、 集体孤立排斥    4
    3、 推卸责任    5
    4、 学校资源过少或分配不均    5
    三、农村留守儿童人际关系不良的原因    5
    (一) 个体因素    5
    1、 自卑心理    5
    2、 自私心理    6
    3、 猜疑心理    6
    (二) 家庭因素    7
    1、 经济条件    7
    2、 家庭氛围    7
    (三) 学校因素    8
    1、 老师教育方法有误    8
    2、 农村学校基础办学条件差    8
    四、改善农村留守儿童人际关系的对策    8
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